
Showing posts from January, 2018

Skating on thin ice all alone

I hope that feeling that summer wonder in your heart during the middle of winter is a sign that one holds the joy of timeless love for experiences in this life. I find my inner child growing giddy as can be, while I sit down for a nap or when I put on my coat to go outside into the blustery cold. I catch myself getting mad then giggling after I slip on ice; reminding myself that even I can fall down, as stable as I am on my feet.  We always have the opportunity to like, love or hate what is going on in our lives. There are challenges to our faith, our ability to survive and sometimes to even just get out of bed. For some it is a chemical imbalance, which some have fixed through self medication and others have made worse through choosing the wrong medicines, or there are the doctor subscribed types. Depending on the level of severity some people have found balance through meditation, or spending more time in nature.  Aside from that, we are challenged moment by moment to live a life t

Gross and Chaotic

Body, built out of water and dirt, holding a portion of consciousness, imagining nothing greater than itself, nothing outside those fleshy walls.  We become lost in feelings and emotions, they make our insides crawl, like skin as the puss filled boils of poison oak float on your surface layer.  We imagine that one decision may rule the outcome of our entire world, but time and experience continue to move forward.  All we need to do is to choose to grow and open ourselves to the wonders of possible outcomes and our options open like the mouth of a river into the ocean.  We are each the creator of reality, using one another to bring experience into ourselves; even if we choose to hide from one another life seeks us out eventually and at the least, we experience death.  Using others can be a giving rather than a taking, and as you give you get more and more in return.  It opens you to experience while trying to enhance the life of another human portion of your being, and as anger builds o

What is it

is all that exists, it is the dream, it is the life, it is the death.  Drawn out of the void, dipping into as many realities as soul can handle; we move in motions of energy and waves of creative play.  We are it, we are the birth, life, death and play of existence.  We have pulled flesh out of our dreams and placed it within our consciousness, we have allowed it to roll over our understanding so we assume it to be something whole.  We dream realities beyond, and find the truth of their presence is awareness.  As we realize awareness is the only reality we have, we are aware of being and being is what we experience.  You are a ruler of worlds, you are a force in creation, do not lie stagnant in the pool while the bacteria create their kingdoms in and around you. 

May Be So

The light stretches out of the eyes, each of our eyes are stretching the light into this world.  We the creators of reality, we the dreamers of essential truths are growing life, are making the world what we choose it to be.  Imagine beautiful landscapes long enough, and somehow you will find them popping up before your eyes.  Consider the world filled with intelligent people, you may find intelligent people surrounding you.  Look for darkness in everything and the world will be filled with death, war, disease and what many humans call evil.  Why create such a place?  The world is ours, we are the creators of life, we are a portion of the whole of existence.  The universe is a playground for the soul, and the soul enjoys beauty, it enjoys experience, it enjoys love.  We can picture beauty and still experience the wonders of physical death, so why go chasing it with guns and anger.  A rock can fall on you while you are walking along a wooded path, that is the wonder of the earth.  Keep


Everyone is going to lose their human body.  If you think all you have is the human body, then death is really no problem at all.  You live this life in a heavenly or hellish existence then you leave and go back to absolute nothing, void.  No worries, no fears, no pain, no thoughts, you are free.    If you believe in the heaven and hell of any religion with heaven and hell, then you better do good, cause there is a deciding factor somewhere in your short and confused life here on earth that will determine your eternal living arrangements.    If you believe in an eternal energy self, a soul that is connected to an eternal awareness which loves experience then you may want to sit back, relax and learn to love the show.  If we are eternal souls, or balls of energy floating in consciousness, then we really have nothing but time on our hands and we are going to go through so many lifetimes and experiences that thinking about it may drive you mad.  Imagine, being something alive, as an


God!  Holy wonder.  All present, all presence, all being.  Do not look for a man, do not picture the long white beard, do not seek some great giant thing sitting on a throne.  There is no one waiting for your judgment day, except maybe you yourself.  There is no one to praise, except that which is creation and experience and loss of experience all wrapped up in one; at times that looks a lot like you and I.  We are the power the glory and the light, and perhaps those words mean that it is only through we that any shall find salvation.  I have read of men on this earth that have had holy power, that promised change.  Too often I think people look to the human that said such words and assume that they are going to just carry them to a place of wonder, but it is we that are the power.  Though I assure you that your power alone will not carry you, and then hold you in those places of wonder.  That is where God comes in, but It is not some one waiting for you; It is you, working in conjunct

The Time

My Chaos?  Where is the beginning?  As I pour myself into the day, I realize that it is not any power of my own which allows me to grab a day and lord over it.  I have only enough energy to get up the stairs and that power is truly something I borrow, even if only from the sun.  The day, the energy, the life, the power; they are all here for me to move within.  They are here for me, this ball of borrowed energy, here for me to take on and enjoy.  If I try to force my will upon all this movement of energy around me, I find it ripping my head off again and again.  So I do my best to observe and move with the energies around me.  When I am moving along with the forces of all that surrounds me, I find a peace and it is easier to move in this life.  It is not a simple task, one must fight the human mind and reach into a deeper self to allow these energies to carry them along the path of this stream.  It will not save your life, it does not bring you riches, it does not even save your soul;

The Soul

As human bodies we exist, in the human existence we can either live in unison with the energies that surround us or we can fight and try to get our own way.  The universe is ever changing, rearranging itself and spreading its wings.  Our souls are stretched into our bodies, sending energy into this existence, forever changing who we are, and trying to spread our wings.  Till we find a perfection of self, we are being shaped, transformed, pointed to a closer connection with soul.  As we draw closer to that point, we will find that living in unison becomes easier and more acceptable.  The fight leaves, and the acceptance of experience takes over.  The energies in and around you, move and flow, while you move and flow along the path of your existence, living and dying with a smile on your face.  Yes, there will be waves of negativity to balance out the waves of positive experience; but if you move along the path, trying not to resist too much, you will find that the negatives and positive


My eyes see in and out of this world.  My life flows through this body to touch this world.  When I am deep within myself, I feel the grass growing on my fingertips.  As I spread my self across my nervous systems landscape I feel the body and I feel its movements, inside and out.  I find myself inside my skin, inside the earths atmosphere, inside the galaxy, inside the universe.  For it is in God that we are in ourselves.    

1000 Veils

The heart wears 1,000 veils, covering the truth of connection.  Covering where we come from, who we are, what we are.  Lying beneath the layers of this physical veil, planted like seeds in the dirt of atomic soil.  Our seedlings sprout but are so held back by our belief in the wholeness of reality.  We are energy, we are consciousness, we are power and light, we are creativity waiting to pour out, and into one another.  World, I love you all. 


Fear is hated, fear is worried over, fear is hidden from, fear makes us scared like little children.  Yet fear has been tied to some of the greatest changes in human history, and each of our individual histories.  We hate our fears, but it is when we stand up to them that we become stronger and more powerful in our own minds, we see our real power instead of some assumption of power.  Fear creates change, it can bring new faith into our lives when we did not believe in anything, new faith into our relationships, our understanding of the structure of the reality we live in.  (The Wright Brothers made the first airplane because they were worried about falling out of bed.)  The childs mind is often so creative, and when fear backs us into our little corner of child consciousness, we find ourselves open to those wondrous and creative thoughts that we had when we were little kids.  The next time you find fear, try and see it in a different light, and use it consciously. 


As I close my eyes, I begin.  Starting at my nerve endings, feeling my skin, my flesh all around myself as I become the nerves within.  Being nothing more than those lines that transmit and receive information from the brain to the body and the outside world.  So I lay as the brain and its strings of perception.  I pull up along the neural pathways, up out of the lower body I make my way to the brain.  Feeling blood vessels, muscles and organs along the way.  Inside my skull I curl up, sort of like a fetal position, except I am on my hands and knees looking sort of like a bunny.  The odd thing is I am facing backwards to my human form, since in order to see I use the visual cortex, which is in the ass end of my brain.  Laying in my brain I look down and see my strings of perception hanging down from my chin, I wiggle them and my body wiggles with them.  I notice also that there is a light coming from the front of my head, I turn to look and see the light.  I find a tunnel of light flow

Lord Chaos

It is in the willy nilly, random flowing of interaction and experience that we attempt to create order.  We try to take the same avenues to work, eat at the same time, wake, sleep, live daily experiences all the same over and over again.  But chaos lies in the heart of every human and nonhuman action.  We drive down the same road, then a raccoon runs out, bang, our day is changed, and its energy is connected to yours.  What if we let the chaos, the random order move in and around us; taking control of our actions and experiences.  If we did this would we not see a greater connection to the higher order of universal energies?  Would we not grow in our harmony with the whole of earth life, and move in better motion with each other?  take a straight path today, then take the road to the right tomorrow, since you know it takes about the same amount of time to get there.  Perhaps we will find that the random becomes a flowing energy all its own within us, living the movements as they flow t

Einstein Said?

Everything you have ever felt, seen, heard, tasted and smelled is connected to a soul.  Those strange little twitches at the back of your ear, when you whack your head on the edge of your table, when you smell the roses; they are all souls touching you.  When you feel a breeze that makes you look around to witness the grass dancing, or if you feel a pressure at the top of your head that makes you think you should open your third eye a bit wider; this is one of your soul companions touching you.  I believe that we as soul, dipped into this reality are surrounded by souls dipped into every portion of reality in and around our forms.  They are hear to guide, remind, love, and help us, sometimes I think they even just mess with our heads, but we are surrounded by souls in everything, right down to the rocks under our feet.  They do love us, and do try to help us, and do mess with us.  Imagine, souls being every itch, nudge, punch, and tickle, where does that leave us.  They know everything


Floating as energy in existence, we find time and thought passing through our experiential selves.  They attempt to change and affect us in assumed realities.  In this passing of time, we watch bodies age and decay in these years of experience.  The bodies of our current world take in waves of thought, processing data, growing our minds.  But these are minds that seem to have access to every idea within the universe if we can be open to the idea of our connected-ness.  Truly, I have found that if we can forget that time is passing, if we can move through our mental workings and our interactions in openness to any and every idea through our daily experiences; more and more we will find that time is a superficial wave of energy that need not bog us down, and the thoughts we need will come to us when they are most useful to us.  It can be connected to the concept of non-doing, but unlike those who pull away from society and hide in caves, we can non-do simply by being something greater th


Cake, sweet, soft and moist, covered in rich frosting, it hopes to kill me.  But the power of soul drives this ship, the ocean waves break against my sides, I rock and sway through fierce nights.  Never sinking, sometimes floating free, other times with motors roaring towards that distant shore.  Conscious of the beauty of the battles that wage on in the atomic worlds; man verse cake, ocean verse ship, desire verse morality.  I find the play of being in atomic structure to be a joy to that light and energy I assume that I am.  I rock and sway as the ship in the ocean; I eat the cake as the man, but my self, that true form of energized awareness is steady in its power and understanding.  Stand with me, in the light of consciousness, aware of the power behind what atomic reality assumes we are.  As this, we remind each other of where we are from and what it is we are doing here. 

Forever Lights

The great energies within the universe spin in circles, playing out their galactic dance.  They burn bright and hot, their power shines across the universe for all to see.  They support life on their little roundish satellites, they feed their babies.  But in time their energies will fade, their power will collapse into darkness.  Where is the true power, where is the true light and energy which carries our conscious beings into the eternity we dream of?  Could it be that atomic structure is a farce, a make believe land for some sort of energy self to play in?  What energy carries you, flesh energy which will dwindle or some greater power floating in the atoms, guiding them in the direction of your will?  The soul or the possibility of soul being the great energy which never fades, a self supporting fireless ball of light, streaming through realities; conscious of experiences laid out for each to take on, in joy and love.  Just something to consider once in a while. 

Sickness is Fun

Disease, ill at ease; each reflecting an uneasiness in the human experience. What if we can have a virus or bacteria floating around within us, without feeling ill at ease. As I write this I know that we each have resident microbiota living in our mouths, noses, intestines and on our skin. With this in mind I invite others in and do my best to accept them as part of the community of my human form. Why not just take them in as new residents in the community, let them become assistants instead of enemies?  It always takes time for anything to acclimate itself to your body, there will be a time when you must become acquainted with what is trying to become a part of you, and you may have a sniffle or two.  But try to live it out with a smile, enjoy the change, accept that it is part of our lives. 

Movements - More Thoughts From a Mind

Continuing on the path, seeking greater levels of understanding.  Charging towards intelligence as the bull charges the red cape, trying to avoid the sword.  Wanting to experience so much, so much to be experienced, the list is never ending.  It is good to have drive, it is good to want this world's things, it is fun to experience.  Only, what is it that we are doing, what is it that we are trying to fill our time with, what are we seeking?  If we look a little deeper into and out of ourselves we may find a calmness lying just beyond the immediate wants and needs.  A cool character of the self that wants to walk along a wooded path, or sit on a bench in the city and just watch the things that are happening around us.  When we can move forward, charge on towards that red cape, take on the experiences of the world, and sit calmly on our bed without a computer or phone for 30 minutes; perhaps it is then that we may start taking it all on with a mind that is at ease.  Being someone who


Marching across fields of fire, the idiot hordes chomp at the bit waiting to attack the idiot horde on the other side.   But that is all too human a game, we like to yell, we enjoy the scream, letting the fires burn out our connectedness.   Anger must rise at times, for it is a human thing, we as humans are connected to the rage of the ocean, blasting rock walls, the power of the molten earth burning holes through layers of stone to make new lands for us to walk on.   When we let anger in, but keep it under control we allow growth of mind and power the chance to take place.   If we rage like idiots, then the anger takes over and we lash out at connections in love.   Human love can often hold anger as a club to knock down a loved one.   Soul love has moods of flexible conscious understanding, where we can sense the emotion but allow intelligence and empathy to guide our actions.   I promise to work on this, I promise to try and not be the idiot raging out with weapons held high t


The Mayan calendar seems to have run out for good, now we are truly on our own.   The future is certainly a mystery as man-kind walks into the future untold.   Wait, now that I think about it the future has always been a mystery, so I suppose life continues as normal.   It is a good thing we have made it through the confusion.   The world, ever adjusting to the rules applied by man-kind will continue to bend to our wills, even now after we have lost our time wave, I Ching, Mayan order.   I carry love for the world as we step from our age of greatest human creativity into an age of dismal decay.   Or is it the other way around?   Have we been floating in darkness, now ready to shine our bliss into all we touch.  


Youth, often bent on self-destruction, living in chaos yet desperate for continuity.   Seek with your little minds; seek understanding of this world.   Search out intelligent thought and free yourselves from the shackles of ignorance.   Drop your weapons; self-hate, world hate, denial of your power and mental ability.   Come out into the open air of being, as a human free to think whatever you want; know you can change your mind and grow in knowledge.   This world may not be your only one, but there is still much to be learned and discovered.   The world is a gathering point of consciousness; it stands as a great vessel of collected information.   Unless we continue to expand the depth of our understanding of what the world and our presence here means and makes available to us, we will fall back into darkness and follow ignorant ideas of confused leaders.   Look into your mind, look into your books, discover deeper levels of information made available through electronic media, let


Alone in this mental fun land, I sing while creating new worlds for my imaginations play.   The mind calls upon the wonder of our existence as energies flow through, for I know that I cannot do this alone.   I sing and my voice falls short of beautiful, so I hope my words draw others near.   Laying back I rest my head in the stars and light fills all consciousness.   Looking around I seek companions in mind and hope they are as lovely in mind as what their being seems to hold.   Thinking of such joy, a dying landscape blooms into beautiful new life.   My eyes burn and tears fall to their end in bearded landscape.   Come in I say, see what worlds stand in freedom of mind.  


Fly demons, take to the air, let your wings carry you; there is no time to spare.   I give you this day out in the world, but then I shall call into my little universe.   Into the pit of my stomach you will be returned, the acid a fire within which you are burned.   Go play and have your day, enjoy this moment in time.   I know you will come back; I know for I love you and have made you mine.


All that exists between two is what the two create, if nothing is created then following the flow of energies, nothing exists.   As all and everything is stated to have begun with nothing and to end with nothing, only finding some reason to be something anew, so is every day in every life.   We start out waking from the void, where we had no body, no dreams, no awareness of any form of self, we move forward with our memories of assumed experiences and move forward in our days.   A new chapter is to be written each day, and each chapter brings forth new challenges.   The story changes and the characters find new avenues to the plot.  


Energies cascading across the shore of our minds, we move with them, letting the sands shift and reform.   Castles melt, dunes stand tall and firm, the ocean is the mother of thought; the sand is the ever changing human brain.   As she continuously laps against our consciousness, we only allow her to seep into shallow layers.   For this fault we too often come across as useless beings, jabbering of simple pursuits and ideas.   Certainly simplicity is a wonder to enjoy when we are aware of why we are living simple life and not acting out in thoughtlessness, because we have chosen to not understand what knowledge and intelligence is available to us.   I am in hopes that people will learn the importance of continually educating themselves, learning new ideas and concepts, whether it comes from a school or self-focused learning.  

082912 and 091312

It seems as though Nietzsche, in his “Antichrist” is stating that Jesus himself tried to point people in the direction of their own connection to God.   No salvation needed, just understanding of what we are and where we come from.   After finishing Mr. Nietzsche’s “Antichrist” I find myself standing on the corner waiting to see a light click on, but the light stays off.   I see some of his points as clear and understandable, but then others just push me away.   I love the many splendid cultures that are around the world, as we ll as all the glorious concepts and ideas that have grown out of them.   Nietzsche seems to also enjoy a taste for varying cultures and for many books.   He comments on the bible and the man written to be Jesus; drawing a conclusion through his studies that Jesus was trying to show people that they are all connected to God and that no established church was necessary for us to be with God.   In doing this, Jesus was defeating any need for a giant establis


It seems as though Nietzsche, in his “Antichrist” is stating that Jesus himself tried to point people in the direction of their own connection to God.   No salvation needed, just understanding of what we are and where we come from.  


The grounds upon which this request stands; perhaps there are none.   I have seen, heard, and shared, but still it is only I that is certain, and it comes out as confusion for other minds when they are attempting to understand.   The philosophy that comes through me, my brain seems to be born out of the tower of babble.   So is the way the tower crumbles, or is it just a cookie?   I sit in design of great creativity and wonder over the power that holds consciousness to the vessel of a human.   The leaves fall and fly by, yet this wind does not carry my consciousness away.   I try to share it, but my mind seems to love creating a maze for others to work through.   Is this my way of attempting to be like God, creating layers for confusion?   All praise to God.  


I hold no authority over humans; I hold no power over any of my fellow beings.   I simply ask you all to walk in awareness of self on the level of being that is what we humans call soul.   Come to see energy as self, power as all that you are and all that surrounds you.  


We each contain the whole for our individualized awareness, and we can choose to open up to as much of the whole as we may desire.   Then after we open ourselves up to our comfort level we must wait to see what God, as the whole, chooses to put in us.   I have heard that we will receive as much as we need, to do what we originally came here for.   This goes along with the idea that you shall not be challenged by more than you can handle.   All we are, all we have been, are dynamic energies conscious of thinking itself, tossed into mixtures of physical existence.   We come to share and enjoy being.   We come to share in God’s presence and God’s love of creating movement through it all.   We are part of the whole and we are being this part of creation.  


Winds blow as my flag stands high and waves to me in the air.   Giants surround me as guardians of my thoughts and energies, their limbs move creating liquid landscapes for my eyes.   Sentinel flowers stare into space dreaming of a time they were connected to the earth; pretending they are seen by the sleepers below, comforting them with their beauty.   Yet the flowers know they are completely alone when considering those who no longer hold residence here; only God remains.   It is that absence of all but God that we fear, yet in truth that is what has always been.   We assume play as being and being as individualized self, this makes us thing of these thoughts as our own.   As sure as my giants shall fall, certainty fills me with knowing that as individuals we possess nothing.   Within that nothing we as portions of the whole contain everything, through the creative wonder of the all and everything God is.  


Back into what mind has to offer?   The truth of creative force lies well beyond flesh experience, diving into soul understanding.   Releasing fear in flesh allows for the freedom of soul filling all that consciousness will allow.   This current level of being is like living as light, shining through cracks in our skin.   If the mind was free from human fear, then the world would hold no confusion and the love of creation would flow through.   God is in and of all creation; God is the flow and the confusion.   So though I speak of one freedom, I must recall that all freedom is the simple act of living what is now, and enjoying what has been offered.  


Our understanding determines who we are and how we choose to act out this play of human reality.   If we understand ourselves as human, flesh and bone, then all life and emotion revolves around that and we act upon our history and emotions which have been evolving since our birth.   We allow our activities here to affect our emotional state and we begin to follow the emotions of our bodies rather than follow the flow of energy and experiences that come along in our lives.   I do this, due to the depth of our confusion, born into us by the layers of awareness in the human form, it is often seemingly impossible not to.   But it seems that at least once in every lifetime each human mist get a glimpse into that greater flowing of energy, and they ride the smooth experiential flow; free from worry and emotional unrest.   At least I hope they do.   I also recommend that anyone who has the chance available to move in and with that energy more than once, let go any rocks that are in your w


The mind of the human spends so much time thinking about working around issues; we waist time worrying about everything and it stands in our way of doing so many of the things that are available to us.   It is certain that we must work on the issues that step into our path, but we need not sit in wait always considering what we may bump into.   We can do most anything we put our minds to, if we can focus on finalizing the task.   That can end in the “good” and the “bad” depending on where our focus is pointed.   I personally recommend keeping focus on what will create the greatest level of joy for as many creatures as possible, without destroying anything that is not already at a point of decay.   Unfortunately, another issue with human minds is that there are many layers to our understanding and to what we consider good and bad for the whole, when it comes to individual perception.   So each one must go with what they understand and be open to learning or teaching and compromising


To change all that we understand to be the truths of reality, what would be the best avenue to take?   To have a wave ripple over this plain, washing over our minds one after the other as quickly as losing the concept of time will allow?   Or to change each mind one by one over decades so as to allow for the ease of transition, not allowing for the minds to be overwrought with confusion?   I am not one to say which is right, though I can admit I like the wave washing over; not wiping the beach clear, but washing the sands and dissolving all the trash we have piled on the beach.  


Divine power, all and everything that is and ever has been, I seek thee in all I may do.   Unfortunately I have fallen short so often as I walk this path that has been laid out before me.   I feel so much the nothing, to all which is God.   We small human forms trying to understand what it is we can be.   So many of us waiting for you to come as a body and change everything, then others not trusting anything beyond their own flesh and bone.   I feel guilty in knowing that it is you within us that will allow for the changes to be made, and still I just live out the life of a simpleton watching hours pass before my mind.   Never really diving into the changes that would open me up to your presence and will, so I can be the servant I feel I should be.   This mind and this body are all that this soul has to use in this world, as far as I can understand.   How do they become unlocked, free from the shackles of this assumed realities limitations?   Where are the twisting dimensions, the


A strange storm flows in my heart, the dragon opens its eyes and I recall the feeling of love that I have forgotten to share.   My love for God, continuously flowing to all that I understand God to be, has been nestled in a still and calm valley within my heart.   Sleeping as a dragon beneath the layers of land inside a mountain cave; but as I draw out this love and begin to pour it out into the world and all I know that is in creation a fire is lit.   As it begins a burst of heat and energy flows within me; astounded by the power that love revives within my form, I stand and pull my heart out of my chest, I watch as it beats out love for being and all that surrounds its being.   A stream of energy flows from within me and it fills all that I know, the all and everything.   My heart tries to fill God with love and to change my attention to focus even more on love and expressing that love for God.   I look and my hand holds a ball, glowing as one of our neighboring planets glows in


          Silence, a stillness is all I have become and all that surrounds me.   I become unaware of self and live, yes live in complete absence, all presence and no being.   Any possibility could flash into existence, yet thought is held off by not being able to think.   In an instant thoughts could flow through space, allowing a me of conscious thinking energy to be; but there is such peace in just not being.   Absence becomes an urge to be something, to be anything and still I am silence and stillness.   The peace is wondrous and then agitation pours into being, and I realize I am the urge and it lives in agitation as it is desire and desire disrupts the peace in not being.   Despite the agitation, it is something that I want to be and a though streams forward towards a past that seems to be connected to this me, which is now a future to be.   A rush like flowing backwards out of a deep pool, up a waterfall and then into the air; the feeling of rushing air stops and I am no longer m