Skating on thin ice all alone

I hope that feeling that summer wonder in your heart during the middle of winter is a sign that one holds the joy of timeless love for experiences in this life. I find my inner child growing giddy as can be, while I sit down for a nap or when I put on my coat to go outside into the blustery cold. I catch myself getting mad then giggling after I slip on ice; reminding myself that even I can fall down, as stable as I am on my feet. 
We always have the opportunity to like, love or hate what is going on in our lives. There are challenges to our faith, our ability to survive and sometimes to even just get out of bed. For some it is a chemical imbalance, which some have fixed through self medication and others have made worse through choosing the wrong medicines, or there are the doctor subscribed types. Depending on the level of severity some people have found balance through meditation, or spending more time in nature. 
Aside from that, we are challenged moment by moment to live a life that sees the positive in our world; with so much negativity jumping into our faces daily, the challenge seems to be difficult. But it really does come down to knowing that there is balance between those negatives that are pushing in and the positives we so often feel like we have to work for. Back to the slipping mentioned earlier; if you find a patch of ice, then perhaps you could recall what you would have done with it when you were ten. Skating is a challenge and it make us smile, we can even smile if we try skating and end up with a bruised derrière. 
Try to find that playfulness in life that you had when you were ten, oddly you may recall that playfulness may have often only involved you acting out an adventure all by yourself, and that was an adventure. The play of that child you were most likely did not even include anything sexual, it was just you and the world around being creators of joy. Each moment of the day, it is your main job to help yourself find joy in existence, why else hang around? I assure you that if you start to play a little more, then you will find a bit more joy filling up parts of your day. 
That patch of ice may be rough or smooth, there may be a slight downward slope to it; if you step on and start sliding, then let yourself be the downhill skier till you can catch yourself on a stable object or a snow bank. A wet snow bank butt is better than a sore ice butt, and as long as you do not get going too fast or start heading towards traffic you may find it exhilarating. In the summer ride a bike, for autumn find a woodsy trail, pretend to be a pioneer, you are never too old for play or make believe. 
So many people ask me if I see the news, if I know how ugly the world is? I know my news, and I know the world that surrounds me will bring great challenge, especially when we include other humans in the play. But I also know that if I find joy in my experiences, then someone near me may be inspired to do something similar, they may inspire someone else and so on. I love change and hope for less suffering in the world; if I ever am put into a place of power, then I will use that to help others find balance so they will not feel so inclined to create suffering. For now, I do what I feel I am capable of doing, I show people that they can find joy in pretty much every part of their existence if they try. Change your focus, open up to play and invite others to join in. 
I love you everyone,


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