One Hour and Forward

 We'll start off with that point as you have just fallen asleep, when you slip away into that darkness where are you? Are you aware of your body, conscious of anything at all? Do you have any concerns, worries, joy, doubts, or fears? When you think about it, that part of you which is aware of anything at all, that part became absolutely nothing last night and has done so every time you have slept since the day you were born. Every night you go back to the beginning, the absence of all awareness, you become nothing in your own consciousness.
In many spiritual understandings, everything begins at nothing. People question how that can be, what can come from nothing? It seems reasonable to ask this question until you consider that nothing holds a potential for everything, and potential is what has come from nothing. As we are in the nothing, potential itself has done something unexpected, it created a void; like taking a breath in we as nothing created an absence and in it potential was now poised for action. It is the simplest thing for nothing to do, because a void is a space in and full of nothing; there was a great change without really making or doing anything.
Going back to religions we remember that the first thing is the word, and the word is with God and the word is Om. As if a breath is pushed into the void and a hum is created, we have this word filling the space because of the possibility of it being able to happen in nothing. It really is not much, just a slight buzz in the void. Thinking of sound, we know that it is vibration traveling through space. If we look into the lens of physics at string theory, it is basically stating that little tiny, vibrating strings of energy are at the foundation of all that reality is. Which seems to match very well with sound waves from an original word. So, it could be that the word is the vibrating strings of energy that physics has come to assume to be the base of our existence. With this vibration we find that potential has done something even more extraordinary without changing much at all, the hum is nearly nothing but it builds upon potential.
From this start we can see how wave upon wave is built up from these strings through layers of creative ideas developing structure until we find the first firmament, which is light flowing in the void laying on a sea of sound. Out of the firmament is born the Creator and the creator is light finding color and form. There are still no atoms just the body made of light, the highest level of imaginative play that we came to at a point in our existence. Until we make more.
One Hour Through Our Time
As I stand taking in the landscape before my eyes, I am near the center of a field surrounded by a ring of trees. The green grass all around me comes to the top of my bare feet and the sky above is a beautiful blue with white puffy clouds floating throughout. I am looking straight ahead feeling awe with the brightness of the colors when I see the top of a tree in front of me drip into the sky, it spins around then dips back into the tree and everything is normal for a second. I stand a little confused and happy when it happens again and again until it starts a whirlwind that eats the tops of all the trees then it spreads to the land and sky. I watch as a storm of colors reaches my feet, then I look up to see my entire view is surrounded by this spreading chaos until at once it becomes an earth sized lava lamp ball of liquid colors flowing around me as I stand at its base; some bubbles of color are as big as a car while others are like city blocks flowing around the sphere. I look down to see my feet let go and I am floating up till I am near the center of this space. “Holy cow! Holy Cow! What is going on here…where am I?” With this thought I begin drifting straight toward the sphere. I put my hands out to try and stop myself from running face first into it, “Whooaaa…” they hit the wall; it bends and wobbles in all directions. I look to my side and see it stretching out in waves. The forward motion was only stifled for a second then I am pushed into the liquid colors, my finger drips off and I flow through. I am without senses until I land softly on some strange surface. Kneeling I look around to see that I am on a field of glowing white; it’s like solid energy with a mist of pulsing electricity a few inches above its surface. “Well, at least there is no reason for feeling claustrophobic now.” I see a vast storm blue sky as my eyes ride the scene upwards. The field seems to stretch out beneath this sky beyond every possible horizon. “Something is behind me?” Knowing this and wondering how I know, I rise then turn to face a human form with a skin river of the same flowing liquid bubbles I was just in. “Are you the sphere?” runs through my mind. The river flows over the body in a beautiful design zigzagging all around, colors bright and glowing. Where the hands would have been its arms wrap around and tuck back in just under the elbow, the color passing down around and back in, it is a beautiful odd wave. As I stare that part splits to become five streams flowing into each arm then they pull out and hands form to dangle loosely. Drops begin to fall from the fingertips. As the balls of liquid cascade to the floor, wings grow out of them and the colors combine into bronze bodies. “Are those, angels? Those are angels!” As I am watching this play out my brain seems to spin in my skull and I am pulled into the form that stands before me. “I am seeing… I am…Oh God; they are coming out of me!” Rapture, ecstasy fills the body as these drops are falling from my fingertips. I look down and see the angels gathered before me; they turn, run and begin to play with the land we are standing on. Like clay they pick it up and mold it into different designs, they form statues of all sorts of shapes and sizes then something like tools and maybe weapons that they chase each other with; then they eat it. I watch with love over their learning through experiencing. Then one of these beautiful little bronze children of mine comes up to me and asks “Why are we here? What are we doing here?” I hear my body speaking “Go and play, learn through the play.” This young angel leaves my side but returns not much later. “Really what is going on here, what are we supposed to be learning?” “If you really want to know I can show you.” “I really want to know!” We look to my left to see a wall of blackness has appeared beside this lovely little creation of mine. Its body whips sideways into the dark void; there is not even time for me to hear it scream till it is out of sight. I walk towards the darkness; looking over my shoulder I now see the flowing form of the creator behind me. I jump off the edge, leaving the glowing field to follow the sound of terror just beyond the wall. “Falling, this must be falling. What have I done? Wait there is a light. Oh, Nooo!” A wall, like a giant screen is about to stop me from going any further. I get so close I can feel the energy pulsing out of it but before I hit I begin flying over the screen, seeing what the screen has to show me. “Space… lights… no, stars…going to one star, there’s the earth.” The display on the screen is going so fast I can hardly keep up but I see that it is the life of the earth from its birth into this solar system. Time is moving fast, I see animals, humans, then I start to fall toward the screen and a lightning strike. A gasp in the darkness. A field takes form before my eyes. This land, these sounds, it is my home, my world. The land in front of me caresses my eyes, as I stand right where I was before all this started. A shiver rolls down my back, I run the whole experience through my mind, every detail comes back as crisp as if I were still there. “Oh, my God, that was excellent! Thank you God, thank you God, thank you, thank you, thank you!” Jumping, I run around the field and skip, I feel as if I am four years old and I could carry the world on my head. My hip starts vibrating. “Hello.” “Hey Jase, how’s it going.” Andy’s voice comes through the phone and relief fills me as I realize I can vocalize my own thoughts that are rolling around my head. “Andy, just the man I was looking for. I was walking just now, and I escaped the earth’s atmosphere. You know, I am always way out there and the thing with the visions, I just cannot understand why people think that God stopped talking some two thousand years ago.” The conversation starts as easily as talking to a football fanatic about the last Super Bowl. Andy, being a fellow searcher in the avenues of mind is always willing to jump into my crazy pool of thoughts and vise versa. Andy says, “Well, the sheep just want to think that the shepherd is coming to save them and that they won’t have to do any work here and less after they are dead. So they wait for death, which they are completely afraid of, and for God to come to them.” “Yeah I know all about your issues with the shepherd, I agree that people are completely unaware of all that their own minds and bodies are capable of. Let me tell you what I just went through...” Andy listens as I roll on about going into another land and experiencing all that was just experienced. “…so as I said, I saw this angel fall and I had to follow it. The screen, it is like the angel must have become this screen and I got to see time pass through its body as the universe.” “Jase, did you know that part of the Islam faith is that the universe is the body of Satan? The fall created the lands that surround us and that we currently live on and we are part of that body, and that is why there is the separation between God and human kind.” “Really? Cool. But the more I get into my own mind I see that there is no separation; all creation is part of God as the whole of existence. Even Satan, be it an angel or the universe, is still a part of everything. We are parts of God, I am sure that is why I was able to step into the body of the creator and why if you or any one could get their consciousness there, they would also be able to step into that body too. How the heck did I get there?” Andy asks, “So the body of the creator is that “bubble-flowing-human-form” you saw?” “Yeah, what else could it be? And even when I stood as that body I knew there was more around me and that as the creator we are still only a portion of the whole. I think I just realized that there is a difference between God and the “creator” that the bible talks about, and that is why there is confusion as to the body of God being a human form. The picture they are seeing is too small.” “But Jase, can you say that in a way that people can understand?” i reply, “That is what I am trying to do right now.” “Did you write it all down yet? That seems to always help organize your thoughts some.” “I will have to write about it during my lunch break at work. That reminds me, I have got to take off. Thanks for the rant session. We’ll have to get together after I write it all out and you can tell me what you think.” “I am always at your service, have a great day, see ya.” See ya.” I run to my car. The thoughts of people and how so few see themselves as a part of God, rolls through my mind as I drive to work. Walking down the sidewalk I am reminded by the gentleman asking me for a dollar that each person is on a path to understanding and even though he may be hating his life right now, at any time even possibly the time of his death he may find purpose for it all and see how he is able to detach from this reality allowing him to make the transition into the next level of understanding. I listen to him for a minute and after I hand him a couple bills I keep walking. Seeking release from the overwhelming desire to run into the forest and find a hole to disappear into I quickly start a stupid conversation with Jamie, one of the guys from the office, “Have you ever considered the connection between fruit and the human reproductive organs?” “Why do you always talk about the strangest crap?”
Look at yourself, see your body and the skin that seems to be holding it all in. You are a clump of squishy soft matter wrapped around your bones which seem fairly solid compared to the rest of your organs but they also have squishy stuff inside. Each of us often thinks that the body is our entirety, but science has taken us beyond such beliefs.
Your skin is one of many organs that make up the body, so right there the whole is already broken down to over 78 separate organs. But it doesn't stop there. Each organ is made of cells, there are more than 25 trillion cells working together so you can look down to see, feel or sense a body. Your cells are individual living organisms using the body to support their lives. Your lungs breath in air so your heart can use your blood to take oxygen to your cells.
Every one of your cells has cellular organs, the tiny structures that support its life. Officially they are called organelles, some are the mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, cytoskeleton and the nucleus; each with a function to keep the cell working so you can think you are a body. Each of your organelles are made up of molecules which are just clumps of atoms.
If you stop at the atomic level, then you see a universe worth of nuclei with electrons moving so fast that they look like a glowing cloud around each nucleus. This is where it gets interesting and I ask you to really think about what you are made of. If you were to stand on any nucleus in this vast space of atoms and you were to look out to see the nucleus of the closest atom, you would find that the distance between the two is very much like the distance to the nearest star from our earth. Though atoms in a molecule seem very tightly packed together from our current vantage point, in truth they are as spacious as the stars of a galaxy when you bring yourself down to that scale.
With this view in mind, you look around and see that most of what surrounds you is space. Your existence as a human is built upon atomic structure which is more space than solid mass. You are a squishy structure made out of something that seems to be mostly just space in this vast space.
As we go down through the layers; protons and neutrons are made of quarks which are currently considered the smallest building blocks of matter. But there are theories that might take us even deeper; one of those is string theory which as we have discussed is a collection of vibrating strings of energy beyond the smallest building blocks of matter.
There is a timeline that we are all connected to as human beings and it carries us over the landscape we call age from our birth through our bodies changes till they get old and stop working all together. It is interesting to consider that we are made of atoms, full of energy with electrons moving so fast we cannot even see them, and still our bodies often run out of their own version of energy on a regular basis. Our energy seems tied directly to time and both seem to run out. If there is a whole timeline which stretches out as a representation of a near eternity, then we are just a tiny unnoticeable blip on that scale of existence. It is interesting that we cannot tap into that movement of energy that we already exist as on our atomic level and we have trouble keeping it connected to our conscious presence. I often wonder if we could, then would we be able to extend our existence indefinitely and drop out of this layer of experience at our will rather than by the bidding of our cellular decomposition. Running our bodies with an awareness at the level of atomic structure out to our molecules, cells, organs and then physical form could allow us to alter our state of health and well-being in exciting ways.
We are more than just the form living out a lifespan. You are an imaginating source of existence pouring your everything into a place where experience can be a joy and part of it all is life as a mingling of atoms and energy. Play it out as more energy than matter, take care of it, get in rest and relaxing moments as the form currently requires. Then continue to move through it all with the imagination that made you exactly what you are.


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