Lord Chaos

It is in the willy nilly, random flowing of interaction and experience that we attempt to create order.  We try to take the same avenues to work, eat at the same time, wake, sleep, live daily experiences all the same over and over again.  But chaos lies in the heart of every human and nonhuman action.  We drive down the same road, then a raccoon runs out, bang, our day is changed, and its energy is connected to yours.  What if we let the chaos, the random order move in and around us; taking control of our actions and experiences.  If we did this would we not see a greater connection to the higher order of universal energies?  Would we not grow in our harmony with the whole of earth life, and move in better motion with each other?  take a straight path today, then take the road to the right tomorrow, since you know it takes about the same amount of time to get there.  Perhaps we will find that the random becomes a flowing energy all its own within us, living the movements as they flow through us, not fighting, just moving forward.  Low, lay in the wakes of the river are those pesky human emotions, watch them, for they attack and rip at our flesh like jagged stones ripping the smooth waters into rapids.  Still just thinking on digital paper. 


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