The Soul

As human bodies we exist, in the human existence we can either live in unison with the energies that surround us or we can fight and try to get our own way.  The universe is ever changing, rearranging itself and spreading its wings.  Our souls are stretched into our bodies, sending energy into this existence, forever changing who we are, and trying to spread our wings.  Till we find a perfection of self, we are being shaped, transformed, pointed to a closer connection with soul.  As we draw closer to that point, we will find that living in unison becomes easier and more acceptable.  The fight leaves, and the acceptance of experience takes over.  The energies in and around you, move and flow, while you move and flow along the path of your existence, living and dying with a smile on your face.  Yes, there will be waves of negativity to balance out the waves of positive experience; but if you move along the path, trying not to resist too much, you will find that the negatives and positives along the way do not grow to big, too often. 


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