Gross and Chaotic

Body, built out of water and dirt, holding a portion of consciousness, imagining nothing greater than itself, nothing outside those fleshy walls.  We become lost in feelings and emotions, they make our insides crawl, like skin as the puss filled boils of poison oak float on your surface layer.  We imagine that one decision may rule the outcome of our entire world, but time and experience continue to move forward.  All we need to do is to choose to grow and open ourselves to the wonders of possible outcomes and our options open like the mouth of a river into the ocean.  We are each the creator of reality, using one another to bring experience into ourselves; even if we choose to hide from one another life seeks us out eventually and at the least, we experience death.  Using others can be a giving rather than a taking, and as you give you get more and more in return.  It opens you to experience while trying to enhance the life of another human portion of your being, and as anger builds only more anger, so it stands with the feeling of joy.  Smile, be nice and give love, these things will flow back into you more and more.  You will still hit walls, you will still be stricken by sickness, but you can find a way to smile and love through it all.  Enjoy it all, as it is the experience you are here for. 


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