Forever Lights

The great energies within the universe spin in circles, playing out their galactic dance.  They burn bright and hot, their power shines across the universe for all to see.  They support life on their little roundish satellites, they feed their babies.  But in time their energies will fade, their power will collapse into darkness. 
Where is the true power, where is the true light and energy which carries our conscious beings into the eternity we dream of?  Could it be that atomic structure is a farce, a make believe land for some sort of energy self to play in?  What energy carries you, flesh energy which will dwindle or some greater power floating in the atoms, guiding them in the direction of your will? 
The soul or the possibility of soul being the great energy which never fades, a self supporting fireless ball of light, streaming through realities; conscious of experiences laid out for each to take on, in joy and love.  Just something to consider once in a while. 


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