
Showing posts from September, 2018

Some of you

My current quest is trying to gain access to living as a trans dimensional entity by creating a direct link that can be used freely between my brain and any other brain that my spirit may be connected to.  The hypothesis is that the soul is dipped into anywhere from five to fifty or more bodies in multiple plains on this and other planets, which we currently have access to in ways that we call dreams or hallucinations.   Based on atomic structure being mostly space (or electron cloud depending on which physicist you talk to, though an electron cloud is primarily space filled with the possibility of an electron being in any one place at any given moment, but not in all places at the same time.). Either way, our base structure at the atomic level is more absence of material than it is material and with that we as forms are also mostly made of something like space.  A form made of space can be more easily understood as a consciousness floating in the atomic atmosphere of an assumed bra

I think maybe

I have recently been asked if I understand what I am saying, if I know how limiting this life can be to people that are not in my shoes.  People can be limited by money, by fear, by hate pouring in from all angles and so many other factors that can step in between you and happiness or comfort.  Have I ever been poor and hungry, unhappy or full of fear?  Yes, to a certain extent I have been in many of these places.  I have never been so poor that I could not buy a can of beans, but that is because I live in a land where if I choose to work a dead end job to put some food in front of my face I can; and I have not gone more than a couple of weeks without some sort of job since I got out of high school.  I have had hunger, but I have never come close to being starved.  Anyone like me, who has never been in a state of starvation should contemplate, even just once a year meditate on how privileged they are to have never suffered such a fate as more than a day without food. Back to my expe

Being and becoming

Every lifetime is a gift of love and experiential play; you are connected to multiple states of conscious being and many layers of reality in many parts of time on this earth and a billion other planets.  Not all of these conscious forms you are connected to realize how tight the link is between you, themselves and all the others.  To have one mind that can be aware of all the conscious beings you are connected to is a dream in itself; being conscious of the many selves spanning time and space to be the holder of a billion levels of energy, centuries worth of information, even being the partner of many lovers is the gift of all life forever playing out from the source as an aware being.  From that vantage point one will find that they must be more an observer than the controller of all, as each individual part already has its own way of thinking and being.  One who holds all power allows power to move through their consciousness, following the dots and loving the experiences given.  W

Advise for lovers, new and experienced

Love is a gift, a wonderful expression of care constantly pouring into you from God.  Marriage gives you someone to share that beautiful gift with, a focal point for your energy and a way to learn how to love without condition despite your human condition.  The sacrifice you offer in giving up some personal freedom is rewarded with the joys of continuous companionship and a best friend to have by your side.  A friend that brings you balance as life forges two into a circle of love.  As a companion to each other, share your experiences and thoughts; letting the other know that even a day with you is worth more than a lifetime, and the lifetime you give each other will make you crave the eternal.  Bathe one another in care and forgiveness, there are times that may bring something other than a smile, but your choice to be together is a choice to grow in humility and understanding through accepting each other's flaws with the strengths.  Be strong for each other as you also bend like

Funny bunny, oh my turtle

As a young adult I tried to dig my way out of awareness, it ended up that I was digging into it.  I tried to push my own mind over some edge, but as high as I could get the fall was not enough to kill me.  I look back and see that I was only given tools that would help me, and I never had access to the tools that would allow me to make my climb so dangerous that my human form may die.  I was never coerced into taking a trip that would lead me away from society forever, my mind always brought me back to play in the ordinary world and then wait a while till the next woodland visit.  I have taken many trips into the forest and I have grown in my ability to bring the  ideas I get from my time there back to this place.  I dream of a world where the forest is just outside any door and you can walk there whenever you choose.   As we make our choices we should remember that each of us is so wonderfully full of energy, we are power and we are glorious when we embrace our power with love and