Funny bunny, oh my turtle

As a young adult I tried to dig my way out of awareness, it ended up that I was digging into it.  I tried to push my own mind over some edge, but as high as I could get the fall was not enough to kill me.  I look back and see that I was only given tools that would help me, and I never had access to the tools that would allow me to make my climb so dangerous that my human form may die.  I was never coerced into taking a trip that would lead me away from society forever, my mind always brought me back to play in the ordinary world and then wait a while till the next woodland visit.  I have taken many trips into the forest and I have grown in my ability to bring the  ideas I get from my time there back to this place.  I dream of a world where the forest is just outside any door and you can walk there whenever you choose.  
As we make our choices we should remember that each of us is so wonderfully full of energy, we are power and we are glorious when we embrace our power with love and share that loving energy with everything we can.  The people and the world glow beautifully when you give them a moment of your time with love, allowing them to see the power within themselves.  When people are given love, their lives change and eventually they may realize the gift of life and find that same love pouring out of themselves.  But that is a change which must be made at their speed and in their timeframe; everyone's experience is truly made out of the decisions that occur between them and God.  
We should try and remember that no matter where we are in all of existence, we need to share experiences with others that are open to the experiences we would like to have.  No one should be forced through a doorway they do not want to go through, we are all equally able to make choices and say no to anything we do not want to take on at any given moment.  One interesting aspect of our minds is how they change; even if today you are not ready to try an experience, you very well may dive head first into it in ten or even fifty years down the road.  The same goes for everyone, one day someone may say no to you, then in five years they may ask you to do the same exact thing, because that is when they became able to accept the experience in their life.  
We all move at our own pace, I definitely traipse along my paths with a gait that makes some people shake their heads.  The turtle moves slower than the bunny, but they both live a full life by their own definition; neither would try and tell the other how they should be living.  The same goes for all conscious beings, we need to move at the bunnies pace if we are bunnies and let the turtles move at their pace.  Sometimes the turtle will join in a race and that is great if they choose to do so, comfortably at their own time.  We can all enjoy the intermingling when we accept that action has many different speeds.  Be who you are and move comfortably through your challenges, never stop pushing forward and never stop trying to live in love.  Love allows everyone the freedom to move at their own pace and that is wonderful to me.



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