Being and becoming

Every lifetime is a gift of love and experiential play; you are connected to multiple states of conscious being and many layers of reality in many parts of time on this earth and a billion other planets.  Not all of these conscious forms you are connected to realize how tight the link is between you, themselves and all the others.  To have one mind that can be aware of all the conscious beings you are connected to is a dream in itself; being conscious of the many selves spanning time and space to be the holder of a billion levels of energy, centuries worth of information, even being the partner of many lovers is the gift of all life forever playing out from the source as an aware being.  From that vantage point one will find that they must be more an observer than the controller of all, as each individual part already has its own way of thinking and being.  One who holds all power allows power to move through their consciousness, following the dots and loving the experiences given.  When one that is growing to such levels of understanding tries to control anything too much, or sometimes even at all, then the world crumbles and they have to rebuild their connections.  It takes work to restore the connection to the power which seems to pull away from seekers who are attempting to live for power; it is as if it pulls away to give the room necessary to allow self control to move back into the mind of one reaching for enlightenment.  Ultimate power can corrupt the mind which does not have self control, an ego running rampant is a danger, especially to itself and it will often die lacking what is needed for true growth.  Seek balance and move with the energy around you to grow in all your levels of being.  As one mind that is aware in the many, send love and ideas of growth to all other minds until they also gain access to the ever present connection to all.  Send reminders of the need for self control and being at peace with the experiences that are received.  
For all the connections and powers that you become aware of, remember that they are each just a portion of the entire game which spans vast amounts of time and space.  It is good to have a career and a couple hobbies, each of which can change multiple times over a lifespan; but try not to put all your focus into just one gift.  Have focus, so you can become an expert in any chosen field and live that portion of life to its fullest, while still maintaining the possibility of accepting new challenges or gifts to enter into your life.  An open mind is exactly as it says, open to all possibilities, understanding that everything can happen and that everything will happen.  There are no limits to the mind that accepts all life as a portion of the whole self, spanning the layers of reality, coming into it's awareness at the speed where it can keep itself under control.  Be wonderful and keep looking to find where love may be hiding in every experience, accept the joy in learning how to do this.



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