Some of you

My current quest is trying to gain access to living as a trans dimensional entity by creating a direct link that can be used freely between my brain and any other brain that my spirit may be connected to.  The hypothesis is that the soul is dipped into anywhere from five to fifty or more bodies in multiple plains on this and other planets, which we currently have access to in ways that we call dreams or hallucinations.  
Based on atomic structure being mostly space (or electron cloud depending on which physicist you talk to, though an electron cloud is primarily space filled with the possibility of an electron being in any one place at any given moment, but not in all places at the same time.). Either way, our base structure at the atomic level is more absence of material than it is material and with that we as forms are also mostly made of something like space.  A form made of space can be more easily understood as a consciousness floating in the atomic atmosphere of an assumed brain that makes us think it and all the surrounding flesh as well as the outside world are a reality with wavelengths of light, sound, etc.  But if the space is only derived from the movement of waves through and around the conscious self tapped into the assumed brains structure and the multi dimensional layers are separated by frequency and we can change the wavelengths we are perceiving, then we will be able to find another brain structure that the soul is also tapped into for furthering our understanding of experiential play.  
To open the doors both ways is the completion of the link between any two minds.  If we help that other brain or brains we find in our dreams to open to the same type of connection, then we can have twice the brain capacity and two times the amount of experiences by the two parts of the souls extended self sharing what they know, and go through.  It is only fair to think that the soul is already aware of it all at some level and that we separated parts must learn how to open up to such connections as part of our evolutionary journey.
I have woken up twice, sat up and found myself to be in a different body coming out of it's own dream which was of my life here on earth.  If these two forms can be aware of my life and they could be aware of each other's lives through my connection to them, then we could all open our minds to one another and share our lives.  We would have to beware the pitfall of a self serving mind trying to take over every life, like my current greedy little brain.  But I have a feeling that the soul may guard against too much of that, and finds corrections if it occurs.  
You are life, your life can be understood as so much more than just one body mingling in one physical plane.  Look deep within, try to connect to your dreams, and try not to control too much; we do work so much better when we move with existence rather than pushing our way through it.  My old friend Andrew loved the quote, "You are either the water moving down the slope or you are a rock in the way of the water, but both are still part of the stream", and both are working their way to the ocean.  Be what you are, and be as nice as you can while taking in as much of these worlds as you can.  We are given these gifts to enjoy, when we share them with regard to others, then we can all love our life for what it brings.   Love yourself, love your surroundings and love all you receive until you see the source of it all moving in and around you.  



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