
Showing posts from April, 2018

You, and You, and You

Reality is so many layers of being, we are consciousness on so many levels and our experiences are layered one on top of the other over and over.  When we become aware of our dreams we can see other types of realities playing out, and we can take part in them as players of those other games, moving through level after level till we are living many lives stacked one upon the other.  Unlike video games, we feel like there is no screen or program between us and the reality we have stepped into when we are in these dream states, it is nearly full scale first person play.  Remembering what level of the game you are at is the key to keeping the game moving forward in a peace for all.  We each have a whole new part to play out on every different level when we open up to them as other realities.  Your energy taps into all these levels of dream state realities, and you may be my friend on this level where we both have wives, kids and happy fully heterosexual personalities, but on another lev

What a body

This world and the body you are given, as a gift to experience it through is such an amazing creation.  Picture the time and energy invested in the evolution which has brought the mind up to the point where you have a body that is able to touch and feel everything.  Your body allows you the ability to experience a world so fully and with so much force, that seems to be part of why in this world we find death so frightening.  Also, God has created a level of experience that opens you to more levels of experience and who wants to lose such a wonderful gift as this.   Your body can feel and touch everything, you can experience so much in this world; walk around and you will be able to touch waterfalls, look at mountains and taste ice cream cones.  Thinking of your own imagination, you can see great landscapes and make love to beautiful people, but how much physical feeling do you get from those experiences in your imagination.  Now open your eyes, kiss your spouse or partners face, to

The Love Boat

Love is a boat and your partner is working with you to build and maintain that vessel.  Often we will be building up the walls with one person and suddenly they will tear a hole in one side and the boat will start to sink and crash like the SS Minnow from Gilligan's Island.  When someone does that a little work may patch the side and the boat will float on strong, but other times they may decide not to help fix the boat and any effort you put into it will be lost.  Then you are either stranded or you build yourself a little raft to set off again riding the seas alone.  Under your own power you may find that you can build your raft up to a ship and you can sail strong and true through the storms and the calm.   On your ship you will see more clearly and you will be able to know with more certainty the strength and durability of the next ship and captain that sails up along side you requesting a day together at the next sea port.  If they are worthy you will find your own inner b

Open for you, from you and in you

So often we look outside ourselves for that love which will make us feel fulfilled and happy about life.  There is no human that can give you that kind of love, what they can do is open your eyes a little with their image of you, allowing you to see a bit of your own true worth.  But you will never find true happiness until you know your own worth as who you are for yourself, not as how someone else sees you.  If we turn to others to know our value, then we can never know ourselves and how much we have to offer.  The love of anyone outside you is never as complete and ever lasting as the love you can know from within, for a lifetime of happiness and acceptance of yourself as you are.  We each have our demons, anyone outside you is fighting their own and will have to be very well balanced to stand steady enough to be their own and your corner stone.  Their are guides in our history that have laid down great levels of love to help you see your own worth, death has not stopped their po

Weak at the knees

I am so often angered by my own mind, I expect a lot from my conscious self and fall short daily.  My heart knows the love of God, but my brain allows fear and lack of faith to trip me up on my search for certainty in understanding.  I cringe at the thought of not trusting God, and then I see that faith is off at a distance while I shiver in fear like a child.  How do I overcome this human inconsistency?   I want too much!  So often that thought runs through my head, and it is true, I think I do desire a lot much more than is allowed.  But then I consider the rule book, I remember that God is all I have and human desire is only as destructive as you allow it to rule your being.  I then thank God for every ounce of my desire and move back towards faith in the gifts of love I have been given.   Love itself is a confounding game, it has been wound into a rope with other cords.  Cords like lust, jealousy, frustration and so many other pitfalls that attempt to bind you up and weaken yo

My opinion means nuts, I just care about the humans

We often think that we are physically fighting for freedom, but I have this idea that freedom will be found when all minds are unbound from the fear and frustration of their thinking that this earth is all that there is and there is nothing to go through after their bodies death.  These bodies are not the beginning and the end; they are wonderful gifts to be cherished and loved.  The minds we are given to use in these bodies are phenomenal, and I am sure some day they will reach that point of understanding.  But until then, we must work in the world to bring our living space to a place of balance for the humans we share this earth with.  I say earth because we are fools if we think we are bound to help others by the limits of a countries borders.  Let us use our minds to really help our bodies and as many bodies as we can across the globe.   These bodies of ours do have limits in this physical world, but how far do the brains wrapped up as part of these limited forms reach and wher