My opinion means nuts, I just care about the humans

We often think that we are physically fighting for freedom, but I have this idea that freedom will be found when all minds are unbound from the fear and frustration of their thinking that this earth is all that there is and there is nothing to go through after their bodies death.  These bodies are not the beginning and the end; they are wonderful gifts to be cherished and loved.  The minds we are given to use in these bodies are phenomenal, and I am sure some day they will reach that point of understanding.  But until then, we must work in the world to bring our living space to a place of balance for the humans we share this earth with.  I say earth because we are fools if we think we are bound to help others by the limits of a countries borders.  Let us use our minds to really help our bodies and as many bodies as we can across the globe.  

These bodies of ours do have limits in this physical world, but how far do the brains wrapped up as part of these limited forms reach and where can they take us?  If we could let go fear, then we may find an existence driven by imaginative growth and prosperity based on something like investment rather than the mediocre incomes made available through physical work that is being outsourced to machines.  Changing the way we earn money may change our mindsets concerning the fears that have surrounded humans for centuries.  But the limitations that we find in this world are pushed into our heads daily by fear and suffering.  Through fear and suffering many people have been able to manipulate others into being their puppets to expand their own agendas.  We see it in countries that have been poverty stricken for too long, children are called to join armed forces just so they can eat, and they die fighting for things they do not understand.  Charismatic leaders have even brought whole nations into near ruin through driving fear of one group or another into the people's minds.  If the citizens of a country were taught to see any other countries people as able to destroy their freedom because they are a lesser quality of human, or that all people trying to get into their country to escape suffering were just trying to destroy their way of life, then those citizens may be guided to take action to stop these outsiders at any cost.  We have seen it happen and it could happen again anywhere.  

We are physically limited, and  we will suffer up to possible death if we do not keep food on the table, but our minds have the power to keep our bodies nourished, our desire for enjoyment fulfilled and our ability to share the available wealth open to a world that is growing smaller each day.  Looking into ideas like binary economics; our fear of machines taking jobs can end if we are given the opportunity to earn money from the work of the machines and the products they make instead of instantly losing everything as a machine moves in to do the work at a lower cost.  For more than a century we have been watching machines do the physical work faster and for less money, it seems we may want to accept this and begin to share the wealth the machines and capital give to those who own stock in them.

There is no reason to fear most outsiders, we can overcome such fears when we see that most humans are trying to survive, just like you and I are.  Considering the idea of accepting people as less than equals simply based on the country they were born in, we may do well to see that a birthplace and a language do not stop intelligence and make any human worth less than any other.  I am hard pressed to imagine that intelligence is only available to English speaking humans.  The borders of the world are nothing more than tools of segregation to keep up language and cultural barriers.  I say we do need to protect every land from people willing to do harm to others for their own prosperity, but if someone is willing to walk thousands of miles to try to find a better life, you may want to consider what would drive you to do the same thing?  With this in mind you may stop fearing those people too, and begin to understand the type of hardship they are moving away from because you see the hardship they are willing to go through.  For many of us I t is hard to move to another state when you know you will not have to live without much during the transition, imagine having to walk across a foreign country through the nights and days in fear for your entire families lives during your attempted transition.  There is a statue that calls us to be liberators and freedom makers, not destroyers of dreams.  Looking back to ideas like Binary Economics, we need not fear the loss of jobs to any group of foreign people when we are earning money through the work that more and more machines are doing, and the availability to invest in more of these machines grows.   

I know there is a version of freedom that allows a person to be at ease in almost every situation.  Every action and thought you choose creates your mindset of ease or fear.  If you deny yourself an education or refuse to advance your abilities through learning a trade that machines are not doing yet, then you may suffer under the fear of any people that move into your area and compete for jobs that do not require a full understanding of the English language.  But if you trace your life back far enough you will find a chain of choices that led you to this life of fear or one of mental ease.  Every brain, that is not too limited by damage, has potential for such great thinking and doing, we only hold ourselves back by not building upon our ability to think in new ways and to know more about how things work.  There are answers to every question and there is a peace of mind available to you if you choose to open yourself up to the ideas that give you such a peace.  It is your choice to grow or to sit in worry over the small things, I hope that everyone in the world chooses growth and tries to understand how closely we are all connected.  




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