What a body

This world and the body you are given, as a gift to experience it through is such an amazing creation.  Picture the time and energy invested in the evolution which has brought the mind up to the point where you have a body that is able to touch and feel everything.  Your body allows you the ability to experience a world so fully and with so much force, that seems to be part of why in this world we find death so frightening.  Also, God has created a level of experience that opens you to more levels of experience and who wants to lose such a wonderful gift as this.  
Your body can feel and touch everything, you can experience so much in this world; walk around and you will be able to touch waterfalls, look at mountains and taste ice cream cones.  Thinking of your own imagination, you can see great landscapes and make love to beautiful people, but how much physical feeling do you get from those experiences in your imagination.  Now open your eyes, kiss your spouse or partners face, touch a wall, eat a carrot, you can do it and feel it, that is creativity at its best.  Your mind is able to take in so many levels of sensory input and turn it into a multi layered experience; understand what kind of creative and imaginative consciousness it would take to make up such a world with so much available to your mind.  That is why I call the conscious energy that created this level of universal experience, God.  
When you know how awesome this level of creation is, then you understand why it is so hard to let go of such a wonderful gift as the body you are in.  You live in it and it gives you so many abilities, in its design this body makes you feel like it is all you have.  Until you realize that you are so much more within and beyond the body, it seems to be the only level of being that you will ever be able to go through.  When it dies you may never get to have such a deep level of experience as you have now, ever again.  Truly that is between you as a conscious energy and God.  But as that conscious energy you know how wonderful the gift of this body is and why you hold it so tightly when you are in it.  You should do your best to respect and keep it, but at some point you may be asked to let it go and that is the experience of death.  We as conscious energy do not get to experience death as we humans get to know it, so at that level death is also a gift to be experienced.  But it is an experience that is best allowed to be taken on naturally and at a time when you have reached a level of understanding where your mind and heart move into death openly without fight and as the body lets go without too much extra effort from outside.  I am not going to go too deep into assisted death or war; I will say that it is good to help a pain filled, suffering body to let go when the mind and heart are prepared for the experience of death, and it is never acceptable to force anyone to suffer anything under your will even up to a premature death.  So many young bodies die on their own without assistance and that is enough, we do not need to push each other off cliffs and such.  The body is a wonderful form with which you take in so many experiences, and as long as it ages and deteriorates it is acceptable for it to die and let you move on to the next form in your consciousness if you are given this gift again by God.  
It is a creative masterpiece that can open doorways to many levels of experience through dream and imagination beyond the physical world.  You can have a body in dream but so far most people will find they are lacking a sense or two in their dream states.  The current universe allows so much in the way of sensory experience that I am baffled when I try to imagine what it would take to create another universe inside my own head.  That is why I say that your body is a gift to be cherished and guarded and loved; with it you should cherish, guard and love all the bodies around you.  Please enjoy it.


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