You, and You, and You

Reality is so many layers of being, we are consciousness on so many levels and our experiences are layered one on top of the other over and over.  When we become aware of our dreams we can see other types of realities playing out, and we can take part in them as players of those other games, moving through level after level till we are living many lives stacked one upon the other.  Unlike video games, we feel like there is no screen or program between us and the reality we have stepped into when we are in these dream states, it is nearly full scale first person play.  Remembering what level of the game you are at is the key to keeping the game moving forward in a peace for all.  We each have a whole new part to play out on every different level when we open up to them as other realities.  Your energy taps into all these levels of dream state realities, and you may be my friend on this level where we both have wives, kids and happy fully heterosexual personalities, but on another level of being (a dream state of lucid proportions that it is more like a reality than a dream state) we may be gay lovers and that is fine on that level.  We just have to remember to keep one realities life span on that layer only and keep this realities life span on this layer.  
If you are in bed, then all of a sudden you are driving in a car and a girl from work is in the car with you, then you two decide to stop and make love in the woods and it feels wonderful and real; that is great, in that level of existence you can be that way.  But when you wake up back in bed you must remember where it is that you have woken up and remember that here on this level, she is just a girl from work and you are just playing out the role as coworkers or friends, and that is great because you are getting so many layers of experience with her and everyone else you interact with on every level of being.  
Dream states still seem to be missing a level of sensory play that this reality has, but perhaps, like video games they too are growing in complexity and design as more and more of us actively play in the many levels we find available.  Your brain is a doorway to life, this life and many other lives if you choose to move into such a state of being.  You are a cosmic wonder of consciousness and in that you are able to be so many different people in so many different worlds.  Be who you are here, but be everyone you want to be in as many states as you choose to dive into as a brain weaving through many dreams.  


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