New surroundings

 As you stand and look around yourself take note of the world, see the material that makes up your surroundings. There is amazing beauty in the connection and vibration of atoms giving your neural receptors such a fine tuned display. I am brought to great joy as I take in trees or various bodies of water and even frozen water spread out in little flakes across the ground.
Bringing it closer to home, I sense my body and all that it provides me in experience within and along its surface. Again wonder fills me as I consider the amount of living organisms that are experiencing my skin or intestines as their world, moving over and within me. I am the many landscapes, with deserts or wetlands where various types of beings thrive and die. My resident microbiota live their whole life on a piece of my surface, never leaving their home town.
My heart is a drum sending music through my arteries and viens, I can hear voices singing in praise of the ability of my heart to keep this atomic form continuing to experience itself as a separated being within the landscape it sees and feels. My nervous system is full with pathways to sensation in touch and for recognizing body parts. You are connected to every portion of your body from within through the nerves that stretch out of your brain and through the mass of soft tissue to end where they can control and sense an area of you. Your nerves are not just for knowing the outside world.
All the layers of being that we can each take in is amazing, I appreciate it so much. Even as there is pain or annoyance I work on being a receiver of the experience and not a suffering form. We are in the mix of living, but it is available to us because we are conscious of the ability to experience all that we can in the world, our bodies and our minds. You are the layers that were just mentioned, but look further and you will find so much more.


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