Worth the check

 I don't agree with the broad discrepancy in pay across the lines of the corporate world. But I also feel there is a positive way to make changes that will allow everyone to come out comfortably as you may have already read in my previous writing. The issue is the anger that can rise up in the mind as one considers how much money some people receive for the time that they have put into the world when compared to others.
Anger is normal, we are human and our history is full of different ways we have expressed our anger over money. We have torn down walls, killed people and destroyed cities to try to bring ourselves to the level of the rich. But history has shown again and again how the anger turns into passivity as one feels a sense of accomplishment and we watch as someone new steps up to the platform to take on the role of leading everyone to wealth by setting the example. They and a small group lead in the new wave of growth as the majority received the tricklings with little to no real change, because there is an assumption of added value given to the time of those who sit atop the pyramid of power.
Today I am frustrated with events where the actions of certain individuals almost seem aimed to prove that those who have been raised up to the high positions at companies, etc. deserve such high levels of pay for their time because of their position alone. Despite their power over the many levels of action within the company being fleeting at most. They do not write every rule or even some of the process at all in a majority of the parts of their corporation.
In history we have seen how taking action against the rich has resulted in a new group of rich raising themselves up over the masses. Today we can see that there are some people who are gaining such grand amounts of wealth as others around them are trying to live comfortably and eat, but have trouble doing both. I agree that change needs to occur and I have a vision of that change can be brought with balance starting at a point where each individual is at right now. Creating change with anger as the driving force will not bring results that benefit the masses. We must start where we are, protect the wealth amassed by everyone at this point where they will need to use it to maintain their level of comfort and then spread the income evenly moving forward. The idea of even being based on years devoted to the quality of the experience of the world and people whose lives you have touched. We can push the evolution of society forward rather than reverting to tactics which have failed over the span of societies existence.


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