The light

 As we each experience the body that we are connected to, we discover the ways in which the nervous system allows us to travel through it's many parts, until we feel it holds a pretty good representation of what we are. Then, if we dig deeper we may go beyond the cells and everything to find an energy behind it all that is an even better image of what we are. As that energy we seem to shine with a great light and we can carry our light through the body to focus it on any areas we choose. Your light is always around you, shining or glowing at various levels of brightness to your awareness depending on how connected you are to it, but if something needs attention you can focus your light in that area. Doing this can bolster healing and balance in a given area.
I have found that if a bacterial development is getting out of control then you can use your light and sometimes words to help the microorganisms to see the reasoning behind joining forces with you and living in balance rather than them trying to destroy you. I try to tell any that are new to living on my body that they should know if we live in balance together then they will have many years to grow and develop here, rather than the short span of life they would have between now and the time we are all incinerated after my death if they kill me quickly. I imagine my light shining through me which I am able to focus to a point and I shine it in the area that is being affected by the microorganisms. I invite them to be part of the light rather than work against it. Then I spread it through them and around myself and make it so bright that we all become one. This can be used to try and heal anything that is going on with your body, using your words and imagining to create a healing.
You are energy, you are light and you are the human body made up of so many parts. Your imagination is part of the power that makes you up, it drives your reality when you use it. So use it to create change, healing and a beautiful world around you. Be the source of all that is going on, you are a stream of energy flowing out of that point where creativity began. Good luck.


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