Time management

 It's not adjusting what your body's doing in reaction to time, it is adjusting your perception to how you exist next to time. You are a conscious energy that is dipped into the layer of experience forms which is so immersive you forget what you are originally. I reiterate that this is one of the best made realities that I am aware of, but I am here so maybe I am prejudice. Within this excellently designed creation we become lost in the layers; extacy, pain, happy, sad, smell, sights, sounds, space, time and all that it is. We allow our energy to seem depleted by all of it.
But we are energy standing outside of the whole thing and as energy itself how do we lose what we are? It is because we dive in so deep and fully become these forms and they currently have limits programmed in. So far I have not discovered the bypass to those limits, the program is pretty tight. Working with the awareness of being energy in a field of atoms flowing in a movement of space and time allows us to work on finding the loopholes in the system.
I am trying to control my own cell rebirth rates and to realize myself moving along a path next to time as the human form. It is difficult because of all the layers wrapped around what we are here and how they still get me involved in the emotions and all the stuff they include. We come here to experience these limits and it may be foolishly failable for one to try and break the system to extend the time and layers of play that they have access to. Then to consider popping that knowledge into other minds to share in the fun and adventure of existence. I hope to find such a path in the forest of human consciousness that sets me just outside the perception of this reality that causes so much strife in the minds of so many people. I believe that I have been given snippets of the awareness I seek in the books, movies and dreams I have encountered, so I share what I have seen in order for myself or anyone that hears me to catch a glimpse in my words.
We all want to share our experiences and knowledge, we want others to be impressed with what we think or have done. But setting aside ego, there is a deeper desire for everyone to be able to get more out of this existence than they currently feel that they are getting. I say dig. Dive into knowledge, seek deeper understanding of what makes you a human on a planet in space. There is more to you than what you see. If one of us can break through the veil and touch the minds of others, then change can bring a new layer of joy to our experiences.


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