Love it

 I find myself thinking about the future lately, and I have to remind myself that it is a trap. We can lose ourselves in seeking what is to come rather than taking the moment we are in to enjoy it for all that it brings us. Things like preparing for retirement can eat up your whole life, when it should always be a small portion of your current set of experiences. Be sure to set money aside, have your savings accounts, but let them just be. They will grow and prepare a place of comfort for you to relax and enjoy not working so much. While they grow and you continue to be part of the hourly workforce be sure to get out often and take in the beauty of what is within and around you. I enjoy walking in every part of the world that I can; I find joy in looking at houses, buildings and forests of all types. I am uplifted by saying hello to people, though I am also happy just walking quietly and letting my mind disconnect from it all. There is adventure in the simplest of acts, one can find joy in meditation on the living room floor. I seek wonder in the world, and like many of us do I find interesting ideas in the media, but there is more that interests me in the trees and dirt just in my backyard. To go and sit in the grass I have found a world of ants trying to work out a survival through the seasons, or a slug looking for something tasty to slime up a bit. There are songs in the breeze and the air holds scents from the beauty of nature. It is easy to find a reason to smile right outside if you slow down to take a look. If you can find a little joy then invite a friend to slow down, and another until you have a bunch of people that realize how much they have right outside their door. It is interesting how when they do this, they sometimes see how much they have inside as well. There is so much for each of us to have just by being here, unfortunately we get so focused on what we don't have or what we want, that we lose sight of what the world brings us to enjoy. Can you overcome wants and desires for extravagance to accept a bit of sitting on the ground to figure out all that you have as a human on earth. Good luck.


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