I am and will learn to know

 I consider the layers of all that Jason is, stretching into the multiple dreams and mind wanderings that have ever included me in their extra conscious experience in any way. The power of awareness to be able to tap into all the brains having those various visions of what Jason could be.
Can a consciousness carry oneself into the past, present and future? Dropping into each and making multiple realities flow in the awareness that started the game. Stretching out from the brain of the thirty five year old mind to gain knowledge and experiences occurring up through multiple future lives and deaths. Then pushing back to the brain of twenty five, eighteen, eight and pushing out the possibilities from each.
There is a flow whirling around the waterwheel, you are the conscious liquid moving in that flow over the wheel. Part of all you are is being held in it's barrels, dripping over the sides, rushing in and out as the stream before and after your experiences of the wheel. Awareness continuously spinning, twirling and then moving on, as the stream flows near eternal.
You are the drops of water coming together to create the stream, you are the water flowing, the banks, the rocks and mud, the wheel and the water moving into the sea. Images are what makes up your life, some have a stronger grip than others, but they are all for us as we are. What images and experiences do you choose to create your history?
If you look back upon your wheel as you create a bubble in the pond at the bottom of it's churning and you see fire engulfing the whole thing, because a fire once took something you loved. If the fire becomes your lifetime focus, rather than finding a way to use it as a tool for you to find love and joy in what change it could unfold for you, then you are choosing to focus on the flames which have burned themselves out, and to not see what is on the other side of the smoke. For you there is ongoing flame and fear, and that is your choice; for me, I will work on seeing the beauty of the water as it slowly cools the smoldering wood and eventually washes away the ash. I will try to recognize the power of the water and let the flames slip away, remaining only a portion of what I have been through on my way around the wheel.
Layers of existence, multitudes of experiential forms are all moving around the wheel of your mind. You are the axle, the bearings, the supports, spokes and buckets holding the water that is splashing all over you. Be open to the fresh barrels of water as small droplets follow you back up to carry light energy of previous times around into your new bucket of experiences. In all that every moment brings you and me, I choose to have every experience and carry the memories, some of which overlap yours, but I choose to see the opportunity that each has opened for me to share love and bring joy into those moments, and that makes up ninety percent of my memories. Where is your focus and how are you carrying your memories? Choose wisely, to build your best past.


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