Remain you

 As you move along your path in life you will be aware of many other beings that think, act and interact with the world differently from you. Sometimes watching them will make you judge yourself and want to change, but you must always remember who you are. Others may seem wonderful and nearly magical in all they can do, and you may want to act just like them. The issue is that you are who you are, and you must follow your connection to the source to fulfill your dreams.
We can watch others and look for bits of inspiration, but we need to incorporate the traits we hope to emulate into what we are. Avoiding the desire to be all of the images we have projected on to them. Everyone has great powers and has their own connection to the source, and being tied to it makes each of us glow in power and love. We have to remember that we glow in our own link and the energy it gives us.
Shine in your beautiful energy, let the light of your soul cary the love of everything you bring to this world brightly and be available for others to see. You are nothing if you are not you, and you can be that any time. Be out there, and flow through the world easily as your energy rides with all that surrounds you. Enjoy it.


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