
 It is amazing and wonderful to think that we are being interacted with by thinking entities from beyond our current comprehension. Our minds have been working out the puzzle of earth existence for a while now, and along the way we started working out the mysterious ways the brain functions. We have made so many discoveries, we now understand so much and can reach so deep into and out of what we are. We can manipulate the earth and our own brains to work in certain ways, always getting better at embracing the energy that makes it all up.
Imagine stepping forward in knowing how to use your brain; to really understand the function as it controls the body in and out of rest. We grow in our ability to release awareness into the variety of worlds available to consciousness beyond this form, where you and everyone can play out multiple experiences and wonder filled actions.
People are in awe of possible crafts from someplace that has advanced thinking and high levels of development in manipulating the energies that make up the world and space around them. But it is easy to recognize that crafts and beings that have been linked together, to work in both physical and mental space at once, can seem to be from dream states or beyond our imaginations.
Advanced human beings on our own planet, if our trajectory is right, will be able to dream into a computer that is connected to a ship that is tied directly to the waves of our inner and surrounding energy, and we will do wonderful things in space and time. I wonder if aliens and future humans are not already manipulating the waves of energy that are moving through us all, and perhaps they have been giving us nuggets of knowledge throughout history. Wherever our understanding is coming from in the physical or mental worlds, it is all coming from that which is the beginning and end of everything.
You and I are tied into the fabrics of existence, we are woven into awareness. There is a place within our consciousness where we are absence of all being stepping into all possibilities. Nothing is beyond our comprehension or abilities, especially when we incorporate imagination into the structure of what we are. With this we can recognize that we are the aliens present today from our future selves, stretching in from right here as well as across space, time and dimensions; interacting with and trying to help guide that trajectory. Enjoy your travels.


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