You be the guide

 Guide yourself through the layers of thinking, you are the captain and the boat cruising around the pond of images and mindscapes. Thinking outside the normal flow of ideas, bringing the mind to destinations held in past understanding and then to other streams of thought flowing as different minds connected to varied human forms.
The mind can move backwards and forwards in images and experiences as it wanders, you hold the key within that can release you to endless possibilities. Being the dreamer and the dream, we are each able to stretch and mingle with ever present layers of awareness flowing in and around everyone and everything.
If one can find their awareness floating in the waves of the grand space of consciousness beyond this current universal experience; then wiith just a touch, one can jump from the flowing energy of allscapes and be pulled into the dream of another. We are linked on all levels and the only separation are the barriers of doubt and forgetfullness.
In my dream I was speeding around, building someting. Fast as the Flash, almost like it was hundreds of me whipping around. But then I woke and it feels useless, because I cannot remember what it was that I was creating. All that energy used and this mind can't get to the why.
This leaves me with a feeling of wandering aimlessly. So I decide to realign my search for the moment. Seeking out just the self, focusing on finding Jason and Jason alone. Find the self to find everything. God is everything, within that is a me and a you, billions upon billions of you and I. I am, we are, you exist as everything, and still each returns to being nothing while just being this one human.
Stop being an asshole rings in my ears, I remember that I am just one person, I chose this one body and I must live it with simplicity and ease. Moving through it all as a receiver and giver of joy and love. I am here for nothing else.


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