
 Many of us have had trauma, bad experiences or straight up tragedy in our lives. We have to deal with these things after we have lived past them, and past events can be as painful or scary now as they were when they happened. These experiences can hold us down and force us to live in fear, or we can push ourselves beyond them and find a life more at ease.
I can only recommend the path I know for dealing with past trauma as I consider the fear and pain of my own history. I look back to see a landscape of life floating within my mind, there are so many moments to see. Some moments I am a baby, a boy, a man laughing playfully. Others hold a body gripped in various levels of fear, and then the painful memories pop up like mountains, tall and hard to climb. These are surrounded by hills, valleys and fields; all my life, the good, the bad and the boring. But, like walking across the Earth's landscape, I find it all so lovely from this perspective, looking back over the experience of my lifetime up to right now as an outside observer.
Being beyond the events allows me to consider each from various perspectives, and to treat them like a mental game where I can play around with the actions, characters and outcomes. I like to remember my mindset as the incident occurred, and because it is a memory I can choose to see it as an outsider, observing the experience like a movie. Then I work my way into the moment as deeply as possible, so I am right there again, and I change the perspective of the child or younger man that I was. Seeing it now allows me to say to younger me that it is OK, we survived and we are moving forward in life.
If there were other people involved, I turn my focus to each one individually. The next time that moment comes to me, I look at the other person involved. I try to consider their life at that moment, then go into them until eventually I imagine myself in their mind and I change their perspective at that moment. I open up their eyes and let the events play out with them aware of the results, knowing that they feel what they caused. This image of their changed perspective is for me to broaden my own mental understanding and build my ability to accept, change, then move on.
Finally, after going over it from every vantage point as many times as it takes for me to release each person involved from the moment, by giving each a different perspective within me; I change the events over and over again, realizing the limitations that I had at that moment, and the power I have over my own understanding now. I imagine me walking in and taking control of the situation, or just reversing the rolls but changing what was done or how it was done. I do this until I can say that I see how things went wrong and that it didn't have to happen that way.
I do not allow this to be a year long obsession or anything close. I work to get in there, see it from every angle, change my perspective on all the mindsets at that moment, and imagine various corrections or alternate resolutions within a week or a months worth of reflection.
If you were to do this it may bring the memories under the control of your stronger, more mature and powerful mind. Your thinking can change how you see the past and the way you live your future. You can learn to be in control of your understanding of it all.
Before I tried this mental work I was lost in moments of darkness and despair that often left me unsure of my own reason. Then as I moved through this process of taking control of these situations and my understanding, there were still moments of sadness and grief. There have been times in my past when I thought that I couldn't make it through the pain or heartache involved, so I thought about suicide. Then I took control of that as well. First I made a 20 year plan to work at dying and if I couldn't make it happen in 20 years time, then I would finally pull the trigger. In those 20 years I tried my hand at a few slow death processes. But my favorite was seeking to gain the mental power to shut down the body. Killing myself with my mind was a challenge that I have found worthy of working through. To do it I had to try to control my body so well that I could make it die with my own mental power. Imagine the power and the certainty of your free will, if you could make your heart stop with your mind. Finding the focus within to actually shut down the body machine with your conscious energy, so that energy returns to itself, with whatever that brings. If you can gain that level of awareness, then you can do anything within yourself, and you will realize your power over the situations that cause the kind of pain that makes you want to die. I still have pain, grief and anger, but I have a quicker response time when they try to take control. Because I gained a new level of power over my mind while I was working out this mental play of suicide by thinking it to happen.
I hope for everyone to find the point in life where they feel in control. Sometimes that may not be by having control of the situation outside of you, but by having control over your perspective and response to what is happening around or to you. To be able to calm yourself down and not be overwhelmed by your surroundings will help you find an inner ease as you work through current and past experiences. You can control it all, everything inside you. You are power and you control your understanding of being in your life up to your death. Be that, and good luck.


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