Dark and light

 There must be a balance, the anger within us must be balanced by joy and vice versa; yes, there will be anger. One cannot be all peace and butterflies throughout an entire existence; living as part of everything that being entails will equal out one's energy at some point. So if you find frustration or if something pisses you off, it is OK. You can be angry, you can have the rage of a billion lifetimes pass through you, but the action you take must be balanced.  There must be an equilibrium in your response, first be aware of and honest to your being, that means diving deeper than the waves of energy coming at you from your surroundings. You have so much more than that within you, look inside before you act. Take even one tenth of a second and breath (if a fist is coming through space towards your face, then maybe one hundredth of a second). I try to see the universe within me, and I watch the crashing waves become soft ripples flowing through my space. You will find your path to balance, and you can move outward from there; keeping yourself at ease within will allow a smooth reaction to the outside world. 
If you practice looking within and create mental ease on a regular basis, you will find it much easier to have the balance in that one hundredth of a second before acting. The more that you allow yourself moments in a day to reflect on the depth of what being you entails, the easier it will be to keep your reactions in step with all that you are. As you work towards a calm mind, your reaction to anger will start to look like your reaction to a beautiful summer day. This will be challenging and you may react in anger sometimes, but we can each teach ourselves to control the explosiveness of our personalities. An ease will grow within and around us if we practice. Then, as you express your joy and your anger, the world and you will recognize your balance. 


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