Visions and imagination

 Tonight while letting my imagination run, I found myself covered in bugs that were eating up my dead body. You may think it gross, but that is exactly how the natural world cleans house; it is actually very holistic for us to die and get eaten. However, there are so many of us, it would be quite messy if we just let people holistically work their way back into the soil where they lay. I just found there are natural burial options available, near Ithaca NY you can be buried without all the chemicals and blockades separating you from the world, at Greensprings Natural Cemetery Preserve this is something you can do. Back to my imagination, I was a bit freaked at first, but I felt better about where I am in life after they were done. Imagination can be a wild tool at times.
I often find that my imaginings are rather dark when measured by other people; it sometimes puts them off. But it is quite balancing when I hold them up to what comes across as the light of my visions and hopes. I have truly had some lifetime mindset altering images laid into this brain, and as I exist to balance between all extremes the tool of imagination allows me to keep the flow from moving too far to one side.
The balance I get through my imagination is found most often to be through images that are gross and pointed towards me; where in my youth it was often pointed aggressively outward.
In the grand scheme of flowing consciousness, I am forced to recognize that the inward and the outward end at the same point, that point being the all and nothing in me. So whether it is youthful murder and self destruction or the gross truths of nature that is flowing through my awareness, it is for and part of my whole being. I am a balanced movement of energy moving in the same.
It is through embracing all layers of my being that I am connected to the whole. Through that connection we will find eternal existence as the thing we are, everything and the one within the nothing. In that the possibilities are endless. Fly on the wings of your imagination and time becomes your toy and tool until your visions wrap around you. Have a good one.


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