Beyond or maybe not

 There are many avenues into the layers of consciousness that open our minds to the greater potential of our being at ease in the world. Some have the door opened once and are able to walk through their life with that single experience guiding their heart and mind for an entire lifetime, without ever stepping over the line into mystical awarenesses again. Then there are others that find themselves able to swing the door open freely, finding the avenue to alternative thinking easy to access and walk in and out of the layers of awareness throughout their lives, being reminded regularly of the possibilities beyond the here and now. And still another group chooses to not open the door for themselves and it never fully opens on its own, they are content in the act of just being as they are. Life is as it is for those who choose this path and there is no need to dig beyond the inspiration recieved by the stories of the ones who have shared their understanding of the layers of existence. Still there is another group that found a moment of joy in being beyond this realities single layer understanding, and in their absent mindedness seek to be brought back to that feeling again and again, to be reminded of why they should be at ease in the world.
Your path may be like one of these, or you just don't look beyond the here and now at all. Either way, there is value in existing as you are, while allowing all others to walk their own path, as we each hold our own understanding of what we are and how deep the layers are in existence. Be you, be the one who has had what feels like many lifetimes worth of experiences, and now chooses to just be the new mind and heart that came out on the other side. Be it, regardless of who or what you have been, be the wonderful being you have found yourself to be. If you choose to share nothing but love, then do so, or something a little less sappy. Allow yourself to be the captain of your ship and ruler of your future. I recommend care and kindness to be part of the ground upon which each of us stands, because I know that with that, we will stand strong as life spins around us. I pray we all find ease of mind and heart.


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