Under and out

 The depths of being that run just under our human awareness are almost overwhelming. I often find myself living in a brain that just wants to smile and laugh so everyone else can see that it is OK to find the same happy place within themselves. Then I look inside and find waves of energy flowing out of every person that I am connected to, and I flounder in concern. I have been given so much, and I try to share It, but I feel there is so much more I can do. I see myself growing in earthly understanding, but I still want to become a word spewing guru that inspires an entire world to look beyond it. I am impatient, though I know that I have all the time in existence, so I walk slow. If each of us could become aware of the underlying movement of energy that is between everyone, then we may find a different course of action in developing society and the rules of engagement. The empath knows the connection by just being, but so many of us need to find ways to open our eyes. Sometimes I feel like Paul with the scales over his eyes, as I forget to consider the other and I plow through their emotions with too little sympathy. My faith sings to me of a time when the layers of reality are no longer assumed to be just dreams or imagination, and we begin to live with creative joy and loving play as the guide to our lives. Keep seeking and growing; I will do the same, there is no end to what we can understand. Have a great day and enjoy your humans.


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