My brain

 If I told you that it is my brain, then like anything else, I should be able to use it as I choose. But doing that is not so simple, it seems like there are misunderstandings between the brain and I. I want it to be able to carry my awareness directly into a dream state, where I am able to think coherently in a separate wave-particle reality that is carrying its own multitude of worlds along with their energy sources. I expect that I would know how this thing works to create the patterns of energy that allow awareness to slide over to those other places, and still I find myself stepping into those worlds completely unaware of any choice to be there.
I am at the mercy of a machine that translates patterns and waves, in various states and stages of consciousness. I do think I may be gaining control, so slowly however that I wonder if I will have to patiently pursue this goal well into my 90's before I reach it. I am not in too much of a hurry, but my impatience rises up from time to time, and that just frustrates me. The brain has had many lessons in finding the avenues to the various states available to it, but it still holds back on me. I wonder if it is designed to dangle these beautiful worlds before my closed eyes as one would shine a laser pointer for a cat to chase. Is this brain truly mine, or am I just using a machine that I have to reverse engeneere to understand? 
We are linked to the brain and it is full of energy, connecting us to a world that lies beyond the ends of every nerve ending. Sometimes it can find us in such a state that we are completely disconnected from any type of awareness. But it also brings us to other fantastic places that seem to offer so many layers of experiential play. I will keep trying to figure out the workings of this thing, and if I do, then maybe one day I can tap you on the other side of your consciousness to say hello.


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