Certain I will

It is the slow and steady pace that seems to be required so much more often when one is reaching out for understanding. Finding connection in all that is God and the waves of creative play coursing through existence turns the mind upside down, and one must continue to search because it is all even more amazing to see as understanding grows. We can find links between a path crossed and a moments pause that seem to have been put in place to change our life. Everything working as an order of the chaos, bending space and time to move us and alter the pattern we have been seeing swirl before our eyes. We are challenged to recognize the amazing movement in the chaos we call order. Every aspect of the balance in existence is a wonderful portion of the play.
The boundary between good and bad is one that can be balanced with a subtle sway. God, is not good or bad, it is everything and nothing all at once. So why would one work to only be good or bad? What use is only half of a creative flow moving through existence; of which most of us are only aware of one billionth of it's actuality under the multi layered viels? The chaos is put into an assumption of of order through our existence in this world, then chaos is woven into it by creating the separation of one into the two halves; good and bad. As we dig through the layers of what consciousness is, then we can see the chaos twisted into this balanced order. Further searching finds stillness beyond all the play.
The work is within you as you take in the information that is available from everything. God wants you to have access to all and everything; the limitations of awareness are temporary, you will grow in your connection until you are aware of the many and then the all. It is who you are, and it is where you are from. You stretched your consciousness to touch the world in this body, and now is the time you have chosen to open up this mind to the certainty of it all.


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