Mystery of choice

 We are each given a chance at every moment to take the path of good or evil, and by some we are told that the middle ground is treacherous. Well, I wonder over such choices and statements. I mean certainly we have learned there is no place between communism and democracy, or republican and democrat, it is either one or the other and the two shall not mix. Then we find the never ending saga of good heroes vs bad villains, and if you are good you are always good, while the bad person is always bad. It is true, if you drop a kitten off with a biker gang, then it will be road kill before the end of the day; really, could you imagine a bunch of bikers carrying around a kitten and stopping at a gas station to give it a lick of heavy cream? All of em taking pictures because it has cream on its nose; never gonna happen. OK, maybe I can imagine it, and I imagine a lot of life being balanced between the extremes. The classic cowboy in black vs the cowboy in white is a mindset that can be put aside when one begins to realize the power of self that lies in a balance between the two sides of every person. This goes for every level of being, I can even imagine the two sides of any political view finding a central ground where their worlds can meld together with ease. I dream of a day when balance becomes the rule, and the path between good and evil becomes recognized as the most heavily troddened. I see the light and the shadow in every human, and I know that the world runs better when there is a balance between the two. Find your balance, know and accept yourself on every level, you can walk the narrow path that allows a little bit of everything. In excess we fall, in gentle balance we can rise above the world.




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