
 All religions are one religion. There is one God of all existence, all people are connected to and able to be inspired by that connection in the way that makes them the most comfortable.
Jesus is the truth and the life, follow him as a disciple and you will find access to God. Muhammad was the last prophet of his time, Allah is timeless, ever deserving of praise as the one and only.   
We are each able to reach the inner enlightened one, for the Buddha consciousness awaits your mindfulness. You are an inspiration to the world. The layers of existence are vast and deep, Brahman made it so and we are extensions of that presence. The many gods are available to us for connecting us to certain energies flowing from Brahman. 
Each of these statements hold truth under the whole of creation. Each of us can choose to follow a path that is well worn and meets our level of energy; or a path that leads through the chaos of understanding. The way through chaos is to seek certainty and you will find that there's always more to God than what had been said or learned at any time. You can only find an ever expanding growth in the waves of possibility. 
All paths lead us back to the source of all being, it is inevitable, as one cannot escape that which is all and nothing. So I release you to follow the path which comforts you, and be open to accept the choice to change or understand other paths when you find a split and have to choose. Be free in seeing some portion of the truth behind each path that runs parallel to your own. 


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