Nothing forever

 As we drift, free floating orbit within free floating orbit, and so on into the depths of the universe, I see layers of all reality peeling away within and without. We can stretch our minds out across the universe, out beyond the galaxies and beyond any possible edge, until we find ourselves looking into a base structure that allows for varying wavelengths of perception to create what can be pictured as an onion form of space-time continuums. Choose a layer and step into a form that can perceive the grouping of wavelengths and experience the reality it brings. 

You are more than just a human on earth, we are more than humans in space. We have access to so many lives and the forms to live them through await our opening up to their senses and allowing ourselves to enter the various worlds in the multiverse. Available to us at the tips of our energy, our brains hold the keys as we learn to change what they are allowing in.

In error, we live from form out, assuming that the self is based within physical wholeness. But we are the energy behind all the activity in and around the brain, it is simply a tool we move through to experience this grouping of wavelengths. This is not the only layer we are connected to; we as energy are accessing all layers, and our consciousness is limitless. We need only find the door that lies open to our wholeness of being. 

From this true place of existence we are aware of the measure of energy that is needed to experience every layer of reality. We see the building blocks of the forms we use to access these places. Like the neurons of the brain as receivers of energy passing through atoms as waves. Tracking the waves down through the history of how existence developed to the origin of the vibrations which cause those expanding ripples moving out of the possibility of everything that is available to the ever present nothing. We can be aware of our selves as nothing and everything in an always present forever. 

Do you choose to be open to the world and the layers beyond? The brain is the key to your doorway, turn yourself around within it, sense your energy moving through it. There is no mind to connect to, you are a collection of experiences and images that is expanding itself, and your brain has the capacity to use the information you have accumulated beyond the perception that is assumed when looking out as just a body. Open up and find wonder in all that being entails.




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