Hate a little

 There are so many reasons to hate this world. There are the little things that can be frustrating and leave us questioning reason; like the actions of other people when they seem to be making choices out of ignorance. If we disagree with a political official or the education system it can make us angry at everything. Sometimes it is witnessing racism, class descrimination or other social injustice that we feel powerless against. With natural disasters wiping out homes, towns and even cities, it seems like the world itself is against us. We can find violence, pain, murder, and a continuous stream of death pouring across the Earth; all of which can make this place seem so unwelcoming and we may grow to despise everything. But I wonder over my focus, and consider the possibility of finding reasons to hate this place a little less. Is it what we are staring at that drives our attitude?

 It is not good to pretend that none of the negatives in the world exist, because as long as any one individual is imbalanced and as long as there is weather and shifting tectonic plates, then all I mentioned above will be possible. However, we can change our focus while we work to better the world around us, this type of change will better the world within us. Being aware of the negatives in the world gives us something to work towards, so we can do our part in bringing balance to everyone's life; if we do this while focussing on beauty, joy and amazing parts of the world we will build up a healthy attitude within each of us. Having the awareness of the negatives in the back of our minds and keeping our focus on the positive helps to balance our emotions and the chemicals in our body; it has been shown that a focus on negatives can have an adverse affect on hormones and brain chemistry.

Stopping to smell the flowers should be a self set requirement for everyone. The simple act of looking at pictures of babies, or puppies will release calming and happy making hormones into your brain. Walking in the sun for 10 to 30 minutes a few times a week will give you more vitamin D and your body will thank you for that. Our bodies also have a positive response to seeing flowers, working in a garden, or even sitting near a tree. These actions combined will enliven your spirit, boost your immune system and you may even find that you have grown a nice feeling about life in general. 

Every human deserves a happy and healthy life, and having less hate within us will help to ensure this result. Rewiring your mind to put more focus on the positives in the world will prove to be the healthiest way to live, both mentally and physically. It will help you to be more constructive in your reactions to negatives when they do come into your life. You will be in a better place to help lift the hearts of the people you know and those you meet in passing. You will have to deal with negatives, and there will be hard times, but people who can allow themselves see a bit of beauty during even the worst of times recover faster from these types of events. Look to the positives and see the world brighten up before your eyes, then you may find yourself to be inspired to help others to find their path to a happier and healthier life.




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