
 The seasons of our world vary across it's vast surface, and each variety offers its own wonders. In some areas one may find a slowing down with snow, a rebirth with the rains, bright colors under the sun and then the pleasing coolness of cloud covered skies as leaves fall. While in other places there will be what may seem like a continuous sunny day all year round. As different as the valley can be from the mountain top, and the poles from the equator, so too the weather systems vary over the land and in its seas. 

People also come with a variety of seasons; sometimes we are warm and sunny, inviting people into our moment with a smile. Other times we can be cold and rain down on the feelings or experiences of those around us. The way we interact with people can express the season of our emotional state, and often it will. But we can have emotions and still allow people to have their own experiences in any given moment that they find themselves, even when they are in our proximity. 

We each have emotions that are built out of the moments from our past and the activities going on in the world around us. It is part of living, feeling these emotions and letting them help us to make decisions as we move through our day. This does not mean that we should be living by our emotions alone; if we did, then the world would be a mess. People running around with their feelings guiding every action without any concern for logic or remaining reasonable despite the waves of emotions flowing over us. 

We have feelings as part of the system, they were not meant to be the driving force behind our actions. Logic, reasoning and planning must also be enrolled as we choose our actions in life. We will feel sadness as we realize an elderly loved one is dying, and if we let our sadness drive us, then we may go to unreasonable lengths and great cost to keep them alive despite their age and the bodies current limitations. Thinking outside that single emotion will allow us the ability to accept their condition and work to empower them and ourselves with understanding. Adding comfort to the experience as we accept it while considering all the services available to them with the balance of logic we can help them live out their end experiences with dignity. 

We are full of emotions and our feelings can become overwhelming when unchecked. Life can be fulfilling and wonderful when emotions are balanced by reason and logic. One can take logic to the extreme as well, so we must keep that in check also. Live in balance, have emotions, think through them, they are not meant to be the reason for your actions. They should help guide your life to understand the experiences of others with a layer of empathy, but emotions will often try to tear you apart if they are allowed to run wild. Be a caring and giving, but be reasonable as you choose every next move. The world brings each of us many reasons for a great variety of feelings, and it can be wonderful to work through them. As we do, we would be wise to remember how to keep them balanced and in check, so as to keep us from creating problems for the people around us. Live, love and feel as experiences move through and around you, take it in and then remember there is a time to let it go. We need not always be the sunny day as we move through the worlds experiences, but we can keep ourselves from becoming a hurricane when a little rain will suffice. 




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