Not so aggressive

Mahatma Gandhi was quoted:
"An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
Where there is love there is life.
In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
The future depends on what we do in the present."
This man is said to have had quite an affect on the world. It seems he got results through intelligent speach, peaceful protest, peaceful despite action taken against him and his community, and his own calm action. 
On the other hand we see that wars have been waged for centuries, anger and violence poured out from one group to another; often leaving greater poverty in the wake of such actions. We are good at destroying each other with words and violent force, but it often destroys both sides in various ways.
My faith lies in balance, intelligence and action that builds a world of peace around each of us as an individual. We cannot control the actions of others, only the actions that we take. Our human experiences are varied and have an affect on us; I know what it is like to apply for a job, have the person behind the desk look at me and say that they thought I was much better suited for the lower paying cleaning job. Through that experience I learned how to hold my head up, despite someone else's opinion and to strive for more until I reached the next rung on the ladder. I took that job, then I surpassed their view of me. I did not fight them, I showed them through my action and language that I was more than what they saw. I have never starved, I have never been without a home, so I am missing that level of suffering; but I have been crticized and judged, spit on, pushed and punched for being different. I was able to resist in those moments by standing where I was, a neutral party in a one sided battle that was outside of me, because I am more than the body that was being judged or attacked. I was unwilling to let the views of the aggressor put me off balance.
I believe in balance, and I want more than a world of bodies accepting their differences. I seek well developed human minds that interact, and embrace each other for their unique qualities. A group of people that build each other up until anyone who feels the need to opress sees how that action only works against their own well being. Because everyone around them is being well, despite any oppressive action that may be taken against them. We can speak with strength and power without using aggressive language, our words can bring forth a world community that moves for the joy of playing a part in the life experiences that come to us naturally and unforced. If more of us can stand with each other in calm balance, using thoughtful actions and words, if we will be willing to share the blows of any oppressor, then we can show one, two or a thousand people that there is another way to win over the world to balanced living. 


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