
Science is seeking proof of a multiverse, there are theories such as those found on the article "Hunt For the Multiverse", reported by Colin Stuart in the magazine All About Space. He writes of different levels; level 1 is this universe with multiple planets that are just like earth, where we can find ourselves living multiple lives in many different forms, some very similar to our own. Level 2 has eternal inflation blowing up new universe bubbles, some of which are exact replicas and others are near replicas, the many replicas being available because of the vast number of universe bubbles. Again there will be multiple yous out there. Level 3 has the many worlds of quantum physics, where every time a quantum choice ís made the universe fractures into multiple copies where many outcomes are realized, and you are forever moving forward in each. Many yous all moving forward in their own new timeline. The last theory noted is Level 4, where a super-race of aliens is creating an infinite number of simulated universes and we are in one, with the assumption that there is no connection between the many universes. 
I wonder why there is no mention of the multiverse where we are the super-race of high energy conscious beings creating a many layered universe through an alteration of waves and particles that creates a division between each layer. There must be some validity in the visions from our past, the greatest minds in human history often had to rely on insight because we did not have the modern tools of science. So when we have at least two insights that have a word or sound that starts creation and we consider that a word is vibration, then it is not too far of a leap to connect the word to string theory. If science can come up with proof of vibrating strings of energy at the base of physical matter, then we can see that spiritual insight was the earliest science using the best tool at hand, the human brain. 
With the creation of waves and particles, we the super-race, found a way to link parts together to create brains that perceived a certain spectrum of the waves and particles. Altering the brain slightly would allow for a separate spectrum to be received by the brain, creating separate universe layers. With slight perceptual alterations we could easily recognize ourselves as perceiving one in an infinite number of layers. 
If we as a super-race, or even one super-conscious potential realized the way to make points in wave particle fields where awareness could be planted or brains, then the holographic plate explains how one consciousness or a finite group if super conscious beings could be split over and over again within multiple creative brains and still remain the original super being(s). 
With this the possibility of  accessing the many layers grows as we consider perception and the way the brain works in dream states. If the brain in universe one is designed to perceive spectrum A through the frontal lobe linking to the visual cortex, then as your brain shuts down in sleep a portion of its hardware connects to a separate frontal lobe and visual cortex giving it access to spectrum B. This is of course a simplified version of the workings of the waking and dreaming brain, but it sheds light on a possible link between the layers of the multiverse. 
I propose Level 5, where the multiverse is available to a conscious entity or group of entities, who have tied the layers all together through perceptual alterations in brains that are capable of traveling between them all. That would leave multiple yous, and a possibility of accessing all of the layers through the development of the brains usability via the avenue of learning and scientific advancement of its function.


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