Once and another

 No matter where you are on your path, what you do with your path or how you try to trash your path, it is still your path and sometimes it walks you where you are supposed to be when you thought you were running away laughing. We are all striding down one path in particular, that is human life in the grand scheme, which currently includes birth, growing, aging and dying. I am intrigued by the whole life process, but where this path brings every form of life on the planet has been of particular interest to me since our family dog died when I was about seven or eight. Death of the earth form has been assumed to be the end all be all of our running away and of life itself. What if that point on the path of human life and death walks you to somewhere you never expected? 
We live as human bodies, our skin and bones tell us that we are real, and our brain receives the signals from the rest of our body while also thinking deep searching thoughts. We go through the experiences of our lives and we consider these experiences to be the only real thing there is. But we are not just a body, there are complex layers underlying our existence. The human brain is so intricately designed that some of us come to think it is the base of conscious being. Physics has reached beyond to show that energy is the core of our physical being, and with that I continue to wonder how consciousness and energy are tied together beyond the veil of atomic structure. 
If we are energy and we are conscious of being at a level that began before the body even existed, then experience reaches far beyond any universal plain, and one earth existence is simply an excellently laid out tool where we are able to observe ourselves from within a system. The system being the neural network making up the bodies thinking and receiving tool, which is designed with an error that ultimately brings an end to it. But with this end we find imaginative wonderlands where we can frolic and play for an eternity, or a hell of being forever tormented, or somewhere in between. 
Imagination has always been one of my strong points, so when I think of the possibility of being an energy conscious of existence, which comes into this reality for experiences up to and including death; I wonder if there may be as many realities created as there are creatures to imagine them. All available for our energy to dip into for a time to take on an eternity of experiences. Can you imagine waking up after death to find yourself as a baby, or a woman that has already lived her life and is knocking on deaths door with an open heart and mind. Then a dog, a wolf, a lion followed by some alien whale creature that sails through outer space. All to live and die again and again. 
If my imaginative wonderland of eternal experience seeking were true, then what a chaos it would be if one of those forms found a way to tap into knowing itself as the energy and it decided to live a bit longer than the expected lifespan, so it could try and find a way to be aware of more and more of this ever growing number of experiential forms. Imagine if all the beings of one world on one plain of existence were to realize such an idea as a reachable truth. What would become of their world, and how would they deal with all the outside creatures they would meet, knowing that they were all aware that they were playing these lives out together forever? I say imagine it and consider love for the play and for each other while you do. 

Love, PEACE 


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