Being power

The dynamics of the mind allow for consciousness to rest parts of the brain that are used to remain aware of this reality, letting go of control completely so the body is in charge of everything; the bladder, the bowels, keeping lungs breathing and the heart beating while we lay unaware. However advancing the power we hold over our minds we can open up more possibilities, in that we can lay aside half of our brain for the pleasure of dreaming worlds, creatures and imaginings of all sorts being wrapped into our awareness while remaining awake to the activities that this body is taking part in. The brains capacity for multilayered thinking is the goal at hand, the body has limits based on realities flow of energy, as created for this level of experiential play. These limits however are entwined within each of our minds. 
Can the limits of flesh reality be overridden by awareness? We are energy, to be able to pour enough of ourselves into being energy, focusing on the movement of our self through our brain, living as energy moving in and out of the body; this will open the doors of consciousness. Consciousness need not drain the body, it can be used to empower the flesh, with power stretching in from the source of existence, through you, as more of you and into the forms your awareness comes into contact with. Learning through every form that you live and dream as, we begin to understand that realities rules are ever more pliable as you become more the energy and fill the flesh with love. You as power streaming into the form are ever stronger because of the letting go and simply moving with life at peace with every energy, until it too realizes it's place in the field of being and releases its grip on the flesh. 
We empower each other by moving with the energy of love and our bodies react to that energy moving into us. We can receive it from everywhere when we learn to recognize that it is in everything. If you become aware of love and the power it wields within every cell, every atom, then you can see beyond the actions of confusion and chaos that are being poured out of other little human forms.  
Your brain is a constant movement of energy, and the more you are able to sense that energy and movement, the more you will recognize that you have a closer connection to the energy than the body. I say that the energy is love because that is the strongest power available. It is able to change the face of every reality we live in. I could take hours comparing the many different kinds of love, but it is simply the top layer that I am writing about. The love that sees the wonder of existence in everything, because as energy you can be at ease and find joy in all, until your joy spreads into the worlds around you and every portion recognizes itself as a bearer of love. You are a multi layered field of energy, and you control the movement of the power that flows through you; let it be full of wonder and joy. Every moment, you get to decide which layer you live from, choose wisely. 

Love, PEACE 


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