Remembering what is within

I find great joy in mind play, diving through possible other worlds that we call dreams or imagination, while trying to dissect existence as we know it. In my play I sometimes forget to just enjoy being in a human body, then I am reminded of the heart beating in its chest, and the nervous system designed for me to travel through its many parts. As I sat meditating this morning I listened to the clock ticking away time, then a pulse in my ear played a song of joy flowing through my veins and I turned inward and remembered that my body is the first dimension that I need to understand. We so often look in our mirrors and think, that is me, which is easy as pie because our senses tell us so. But as I was just experiencing my body from my brain down, the idea returned that we are more than what we see and feel with the outer nerve endings.
We exist as human forms, we have experiences from birth that make us focus on our exterior and forget about where our human awareness comes from. I remember as a child, being amazed by textures and feeling great joy in not having to wear anything that felt like wool. Because scratchy materials made my skin crawl. The sensitivity of my skin always felt like it was coming from underneath the surface, not from above, as if the fabric was sparking my nerves in such a way that I was aware of them at their ends right below the top layers of skin. As I look back and think, I wonder if most children feel more from within than assuming they are feeling from the outside. It seems to me that we learn to think our senses are poking out of our bodies and we are feeling everything outside. But our nerves all end below the surface and everything we feel is inside. 
Within our bodies we have nerve endings sticking out and touching so many different muscles and organs; these are all places we can experience sensations and feel what it is to be human. From our brains we can stretch out to feel every portion of our bodies. You can follow your nerves out of your brain, down your spine, through the little hole to go around your small intestines to touch down on your large intestines to feel peristalsis from within. You can reach out and feel your fingers or toes from under the skin; or wrapped around your blood vessels anywhere you choose. For me, starting with my heart and feeling the blood flow through those little tubes running all throughout this body was the easiest way to start. The heart is large, it makes a lot of noice and movement, so it is easy to find. 
From within the brain you can even travel around that gray matter, learning to sense where different perceptions and types of ideas or functions are processed. I found this to be much easier after looking over a map of the brain. It can be loads of fun taking a little time to look within using the nervous system as the pathways to access the inner workings of your human form. From feeling the blood pulse through every portion and part, to sensing the lightening fast network of energy and chemicals moving through the brain; there is a wonderland waiting to be discovered. If you are sitting bored out of your mind, sit back, relax and try to feel your pulse from within your toe or finger. It may reveal a memory of things you knew a long time ago. Enjoy every day. 



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