A deeper response

I am the wave of light filling existence with energy. I am the darkness feeling my energy flow through me. There are no paths to walk on and there are no caves to hide in, there is me and I am. As I am so is every one, there is consciousness, and what you put your awareness into is where your consciousness will go. You are the edge of the universe, if you look out with your mind you can find it, if you look in with your mind you can find it. Know that within yourself you can find and know everything. Some can reach temporary understanding with hallucinogens, some with meditation and learning to relax the mind. Because in being able to calm your mind, and reaching that point of stillness of thoughts will allow you to realize that you are experiencing life from within the brain out to the body, not from the body in. When you realize this, you can learn to control what part of the brain is active and what is not. The mind has a flow which can be mapped, the movement of chemicals and energy creating a link to thoughts and ideas. A movement that can be seen from within when one can set aside assumed limitations. The brain has speed and energy enough to keep consciousness tapped into this form, aware of the experiences it is going through and aware of how the experiences are being received, processed and acted out. With this brain one can actively participate in the worlds of imagination and dream. Then you can consciously step into other states of awareness, until you eventually realize that you can be in the dream while you are walking and talking around here. Essentially being aware of living multiple lives in this one layer of brain-soul connection. This may lead to understanding that your consciousness is only partially connected to this brain and may be streaming in so it can experience all reality by using it as the link between soul and these experiential forms in imagination and dream that you are living through. You are the energy touching and moving through the human brain. The brain allows energy to move through it at a very fast rate, the energy can move in many directions and the amount of your energy you are allowing to move into and through your brain can be amped up so that you can have multiple streams of awareness flowing through. As the brain you only need to be open to the idea and the possibilities that can evolve with in you are endless. Keep thinking, keep dreaming, keep your imagination and energy elevated. 



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