You eat you

Living things, dead things, living things. Sometimes, I feel a deep connection to the earth when I am cutting down a healthy tree. I try to use as much of the tree as I can for setting up a warm comfortable place that my family can connect in. Some of us eat as carnivores, vegetarians or any one of the many dietary types, and each is able to work with the environment in its  own way. Really it all comes down to being aware of what you are killing, why you are killing it, giving it as much respect as possible from its birth to its death. Treating anything that you are going to eat as if it is not worthy of a natural and life enriching environment depletes your power when you eat it because everything is tied into energy.  The energy that goes into the living thing that you are now about to eat goes into you. We all kill and we all eat life that has stopped living. You are a human on a planet, there are bugs and plants everywhere. Walk through a field and you can be pretty sure you just destroyed a lot of life, be aware of it, thank the grass, bugs and worms for the support as you crushed them between your feet and the dirt. Eat them all because you killed them, or just know that your intention was not murder and be respectful in your steps, but keep moving to where your journey takes you, as you walk your path. In the same way, know that you are eating something that was alive, try your best to be sure that your life sustaining food stuff came from a healthy, caring environment that gave it the best life for its nature. 
It is all energy, how any energy makes the human feel should be acknowledged and choises should follow the path that will keep the individuals energy in the best flow. I joyfully ate meat for years, then my body said you don't need that energy anymore. Then I ate over processed soy products and felt great, my body eventually said I had enough of that and I changed to an almost tofu free diet. We all have steps to take to remain happy as who we are at any given moment. Everyone, be happy where you are or search till you find your happy. But make sure that your happy starts with the energy that went into whatever food you eat. In my early life I did not consider the source of my food, but now I am aware of ethical treatment of animals, fair trade practices, organic farming, pasture raising, and I read labels to do my part in trying to choose food that came from a good and life giving place. 
It is all energy, everything lives and dies, be a part of the good life that everything can share wherever life is happening. It does not take a giant amount of time to verify a foods source when the food came from a good place, and you will feel better about yourself when you are connecting to a healthy caring world through the foods you eat. The balance you bring into you will enrich your life and you may start to see changes in the world around you. Enjoy your food knowing that your food enjoyed its food and its life. 



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