You are the one

It is inside every landscape, every possible dream and imagination. Can you imagine, can you move through the stars. This morning there was a monster on my back, holding me down and trying to kill me. I could have opened my eyes and let it slip away, but I realized it was not time for wimping out and waking up, so I returned and allowed the pressure to hold me down. A second time I was given the option to wake and still I allowed the pressure to hold me down. I was being pushed down and with the pressure on my back I rolled over, and the thing which was a monster became my old friend Bobby, so I said his name and he backed up a little, then I said his name again and his face softened, we were playing a game, wrestling around and he had gotten mad, but now he was relaxing...then I woke. 
I lay there contemplating the paths of our lives, then I spun onto my side and found myself in so many places, who is all and what is everything? I see you behind every veil, you are in each dream and you are aware of everything. Your power is connected to every power, how much of it will you use to swing your pendulum and how wide will the two points of the pendulums trajectory be, why push so hard? There are so many places for you to visit, so many possibilities, so many forces within this gigantic array of positive and negative. You do not need to push so hard in this here and now, let there be a smooth and subtle swing from side to side as you move with each moment. You have a billion other forms to experience through, you are already doing everything, allow the flowing energy of existence to move in and around you. You are that flow, look and see the movements, look and see the layers, look and know you are OK and you have love to share. Wake up and see all your dreams. 



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