Tapping in

In revisiting the idea that with every different mind you connect to, you are creating a connection to a new dimension which is separate from all other dimensions; we can see that there are challenges in remaining connected to more than one of those layers of existence at all times. We exist as a consciousness, and as that we take part in creating the reality that is spread out in waves across atomic structure, trying to ride two or more waves at once can come across as daunting. There seems to be a source of the main wave that keeps this and every reality whole, and we each add our ripples to the pond. These separate ripples create new layers or dimensions and when they are overlapped we see completely new dimensions which are slightly varied from the original wave. There is so much occurring within each layer of awareness that the brain can become confused while attempting to process even one task in this base reality, let alone if you try to be aware of every possible alteration of your reality as each person you walk by makes a new wave in multiple directions. Each wave has a varied degree of an affect on your layer of reality based on how deep the interaction between you and any person, as well as how you control your flow. 
Meditation allows one to slow down and spread consciousness out, and as we have been told by Thich Nhat Hahn, walking meditation is training yourself to be aware of what you are doing here at every moment while actually moving through this world. Eventually you may find yourself able to keep your consciousness wrapped around this world and one dream state or alternative dimension, then you may be able to add a few more until you find yourself aware of multiple dream states and this reality at once. If there is already a form within each dream state that is working to keep itself alive, and you allow it to continue to do that; then you, as a consciousness can experience through the brain signals of more than this one body. You allow each body to run its own show while you experience it, similar to those times when you are driving or walking and then you realize that you have reached your destination without really paying attention to how you got there, the body did all the work while you were off in some other mental place. The difference is that you are remaining aware of what the body is doing, and what the mind is thinking while allowing them all to do their work in living.
In this way of connecting to forms, you will find that instead of arriving at your destination without remembering the drive there, and you can be aware of multiple selves at one time; which is done by changing where you are paying attention. We are so focused on being the form that we lose any chance of being the conscious entity that is simply taking in the experiences that the form is going through. I wonder though, is there a way that we could continue to guide each forms actions and avoid simply living out routine existences through each form as it acts out on its own. Do we try to guide this or that form that we are consciously experiencing through, so that it will give us a little added adventure? Or do we allow the forms to be and just take in what each gives? The chaos behind that thought is a wonderful gift to be unwrapped. But it also comes out to feel heavily set in an ego centered frame of mind, and the experiences should be left to the whims of chaos.
As noted in, The Mind At Night by Andrea Rock, "This nonlinear meaning making that occurs during dreaming may actually be an example of chaos theory at work in the brain, according to a paper published by Allan Hobson and his colleague at Harvard, David Kahn." When we dream the logical portion of the brain is not interacting with the part of the brain that is doing the dreaming, so the working mind is rolling through whatever avenue of thought that it sees fit and in any disorder of images and sounds that just happens to pass through. Lucid dreaming is taking over the mind of one of these forms that pops into your brains waves and forcing it to do your will rather than just letting it flow.  There are tricks and tools to assist us in reaching the point of lucid dreaming, and we can find many adventures in those times. But there may be a way to link our brain to the brains of our dream forms in a way that allows them to be in control of their actions so we can just observe and have access to the knowledge that the other brain has received in its lifetime. That is if we assume that the brains in dream forms have been living lives in dimensions around our own. If we decide to manually step into the place of the observer in one of these dream states, then we must activate a chaos sequence in our mind so that it can carry us into a dream consciously. You start a flow of non linear, random thoughts and the mind will eventually let your conscious awareness drift into a brain in a dream. 
As you may be aware, it is difficult to know when you are dreaming, let alone remain actively conscious in this brain while being actively aware of the thoughts experiences and memories of a few dream brains. My current issue is that when I do drift into that dream I lose this reality; it seems that this mental play of multiple dimensional awareness is not the easiest game. There are challenges for our minds when considering that what we have assumed was an individual body holding our full self may actually be one of many that our conscious energy can tap into. If we can find that point and understand our ability to share thoughts, ideas and experiences then maybe we can reach a point of accepting others in each life as as equals in these experiential fields. The brain is able to be used in so many ways, keep your imagination open and dive into the many possible avenues of thinking that are available to it. 

Love, PEACE 


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