Yours to know

We are each as much thought as we can imagine and know; we can each think as deeply as we choose to allow our minds to reach. Moving out in your conscious stream, you can see the landscape of existence, a state where you are aware of every choice you have ever made, every choice you could have made and as you turn your gaze you see every choice you could make. There is no limit to the possible experiences you can have, but you are still directly tied to the one form which you have just left behind. You are dreaming so what are the choices you will make without the restrictions of that form and how will you treat its brain when you return. 
We each exist as the presence of a conscious energy that can step into multiple landscapes in our dreams, and still there is a powerful, superlandscape that we call reality. As we step into the worlds of dreams we can be and do anything, it is wonderful and scary and full of so many layers that come and go as fast as we can imagine. Then we waken to find a life that is rolling with pain and suffering pouring into so many souls, yet even when some of these souls are surrounded by pain and suffering they find the ability to love. 
In the midst of suffering do we say poor me, look at what this world has done to me? Or do we say I accept this moment in my existence and I will continue to love and send love from my self, which is more than the body feeling so much in this reality. My self is the conscious energy and I have dreams, imagination and an eternity as this self. I will hold my self as this consciousness and I will embrace the self and I will love what I find and my love will be part of the change. In the history of this reality even the greatest lovers have had moments where they lashed out and tried to force their way into higher levels of this realities power. 
As we forget ourselves, which even the best of us do, we may turn tables, swipe at the faces of those who are showing us less than love; but it will only stretch out the energy of anger and frustration. These negatives are also to be loved, it is good that we have these layers of energy within this reality, or they would not have been created for the experience; but, it is when we embrace them too deeply that we feed the negative too much and an imbalance surrounds us. It is not easy to always be aware of how we are expressing our energy, and sometimes we will goof up. But the issue comes when we let the goof turn into something more, we have to remember when to just let it go. We live in a reality of many energies, the issues arise when we let one energy rule us  too fully.
Even the energy of love has to be limited in the sense of being one that only spreads the light and joy of the world. This world is one that has so many layers and we are tied to all of them. We cannot just be a weaver of light and say the world is going to change and no harm will ever befall anyone; this reality is one that includes life in the form of death and human suffering simply by existing all by yourself without ever interacting with anyone, ask any hermit. There is light and dark, positive and negative, so truly embrace those powers and to be at one with it all you must be both. Expressing nothing but worldly love and expecting everyone to see rainbows will cause an imbalance and the scale will tip somewhere else if you do not add a little shadow to your life. Sharing the responsibility of being the angel and the devil is a hard challenge for each of us to take on, but as more of us embrace the two sides in subtle ways we will see the energy moving with us on the grand scale. That is something we can love.
Loving existence as it is, with the positives and negatives is a joy in being, it will bring a life of balance and that life will include pain, suffering and happiness. The love that we find in a balanced existence is expressed in loving the experience, it is accepting of it all. We will cause pain and we will bring happiness to people's hearts; this we can accept and love as part of our experience. We should not seek out to hurt or bring happiness, we should live in a way that allows us to serve ourselves and others, knowing that sometimes our selfishness will bring imbalance, remembering to not let it go too far. 
You exist as deeply in this world as you choose, through knowledge, imagination and understanding you see as much of it as you choose to let in. See it all as you step up into the higher levels of being aware, see the stars and the dark sky that surrounds them. 

Love, PEACE 


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