It is yours to drive

The possibilities that are available to your brain are so amazing and hard as heck to calculate. Every choice and breath can change the next moment as the layers of creation play out over the earth and around the multiverse. The lessons you hold within yourself, like mental games of change through teaching your mind to leave the straight path that the brain uses to conserve energy. Over a lifespan a brain will start by shooting signals a bit wildly through your neural network. Over time as you learn more,the brain finds the most fuel efficient routes around the brain and begins to use those the most. Like taking the highway instead of the back roads. You can choose to change the road your brain takes, and it begins by changing the way you think about using your brain. We often think of the brain as something that is controlling us, and I suppose for many of us that holds some truth, but we can take the reigns and drive it as we choose. Instead of thinking of the brain as something that is just working up in our heads, you can think from inside your brain. Imagine yourself as the brain itself sitting inside your skull with wires going out of you to your eyes, fingers, heart and every part of your body. Picture flashes of electricity moving within you around the different parts, notice how some pathways are used more often. Watch this for a while as, it may help to just sit and imagine this at first. Now think of something and imagine the electric current moving through you taking a path that is different from usual, like taking the back roads instead of the highway. Recognize your ability to send your signal right instead of left, or left instead of straight forward. The signal will find new avenues to reach its destination, just like taking the back roads can get a bit more twisty and have more turns. For years you have been learning how to use your brain, for problem solving and every day actions, right down to not peeing your pants on a regular basis; now use your brain to grow your understanding of how to use your brain. It is a network, a web of neurons that are clumped together in your skull with strings of neurons stretched out into your body. You can learn the normal pattern that your brain uses to think any thought, from wiggling you foot to solving a math equation or falling asleep and dreaming. Your brain is constantly sending signals from one section to another, up and down your spine, all over the place. During our developmental years, most of us were given routine training in schools that happened to guide our brains activity towards certain pathways that were well versed and proved to be the most efficient. In time we are going to need to change how we are training the brains of our youth so their brains use twisty routes more often, but for now, you can change the brain of you. You can learn to be part of the process of your neural activity, it is your brain and you use it every day and all night, why not take back the controls and see what you can do with it. If you take a bit of time this week to learn what one or two sections do, then what a couple other sections do until you have a pretty good grasp of where your synapses send signals for emotional responses, or calculating, drawing and dreaming, then you can focus on seeing thoughts forming down the most efficient pathway between sections. Once you know that, then you can focus on changing the paths and begin to see if your mind starts to consider ideas outside the box for problems or actions you have been doing for years. You may find that new concepts will start popping into your head and your imagination starts giving you more clever responses to problems. There are almost endless possibilities to the ways you can drive the energy moving down your neural pathways, you have always been in control of it, now choose to grab the steering wheel and own this vehicle, your brain. 



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