Happily walking your bull

Every possibility in existence, every choice in time is within reach of your consciousness and imagination. How far and wide can you think? You are a brain, it has the power to imagine, dream, span space and time, as much space and time as you can learn about. The more you learn about existence, the deeper your thoughts and imagination can go. You have the power in your mind to imagine everything, where would you take yourself if you could imagine anything? Remember though, that care is needed when we start reaching for the stars, we are prone to grow power hungry. 
The deeper you go, the more twisted you can become, there is a balance to it all, and if you walk carefully on this journey of consciousness, then you can keep yourself from becoming too negative or too positive of a person. In my imagination I could control everyone on the earth, play with their lives as if their consciousness meant nothing and their little human bodies were totally expendable. But there will be a balance to that imagined world, because there is a balance to everything and if I don't balance it, then the universe will do it for me. So as I imagine this, then perhaps I need to also imagine a world where I can cure everyone of any harm that ever befalls them, they can live forever and get smarter every day. Now I have a balance within me, the problem is that my two sides are so far apart that it will take a lot of work to keep the balance from falling too heavily to one side. So why not fix my worlds; maybe mingle them? A world where each person exists for themselves with care in the drivers seat, we each live to experience and share in experiences, knowing that everyone in my imagined world is able to live happily for as long as possible. Working to both enjoy and share the joy of just being a part of the world. That sounds nice, so let's leave everyone there while we continue thinking about your power. 
We are given so much power in dream and imagination, and sometimes we want that power in our current reality. So much so that we will go to great lengths to get what we assume this power is, with no concern for anyone or anything but ourselves. We lose sight of the power we hold in just being able to exist with a full belly, a nice roof over our head and imaginative thoughts and visions running through our minds. I imagine that there is so much power in your ability to visualize, that when you daydream, you are actually creating a little world for that time. With this power it seems that you can shift the balance of the universe to one side of the positive or negative of experiential existence. And as with my little worlds, there has to be a balance on the other side; the power in the universe seems to balance all this out even if you do not. 
Since everything is either balanced by you or for you, why not take the bull by the horns and guide it down your path? You can see that as it walks there is a sway in its belly from one side to the other, so you can use that to swing your imagination and life experiences gently from one side to the other. A little positive and a little negative that are easily kept in check. If you push the bull too far to one side, you are going to have a heck of a time getting it to go back to center, let alone getting it to swing back enough on the other side to balance things out again. Luckily if you do swing too far on one side you can extend you time gently swayed to the other side to slowly balance things out without getting that bull running back and forth; a running bull is hard to control. If you get way too positive, then you can balance it out by being slightly more negative than positive for an extended time to keep things going smoothly. I have found that balance is a slow moving force and you have an extended amount of time to fix your own before it just happens that someone else does. 
With all this power over your own balance, and with all the power in your creative mind, you can do anything, and it often works best for everyone when done in moderation. So, have your cake, eat some of it, and share it with the people around you, you can even give some to your bull. You can exist with a life full of wild and fun experiences that you are sharing freely with those who want to join in with you, knowing that you hold the power over your own balance, which will prove to be directly connected to your peace of mind. Find happiness in existing as part of the whole which is both positive and negative in equal portions. 
Love, PEACE 


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