Be all of you

We do, and then we move on and we do, then we move on. Our memories can work for us or against us, if your younger self did not fail to be what you would have it be in your present mind, then your life lessons were easy, and you can go have a good time in a balanced life. If you look back and see actions that you would have done differently, then go back in your mind, tell the earlier you that you love it, imagine your actions playing out differently, and know that you have already learned from your choices, so you can let them go. If you ever hurt anyone or a group of people, then send them love either physically or mentally through visualization or something and know that it will create positive change. Life is not just a single layer reality, it is so much more, and as long as you are growing, then forgive yourself all your previous actions; I have forgiven you and I love you. Now you can live a balanced life and go have a good time too. 
If you don't think that you are growing but you decide at this moment to forgive and love yourself, then guess what, you are growing in spirit awareness, and your world will change around you; however fast or slowly you can work it all out keep moving forward in knowledge, understanding and love. Forgiving yourself can take time, but you can love what you find in your mind, drag your shadow self into the light and give it a big kiss. From here on out you can let it be and live in a balanced universe of yourself. Sometimes you have to live the dark to understand it, just try not to live too deeply in the shadows, but if you do, you can always return to the light to even things out; although, I do recommend not reaching too deeply into the light because it can cause you to swing back and forth too much. Remember, a gentle sway between the two, and a prolonged walk pushed slightly to one side can slowly correct anything you did too heavily on the other side of the path between light and shadow.
You have a lifetime to calm the sway between the dark and light within you; until you realize that you are more than a body, because then you have an eternity to correct it all. We will continue to do things forever, and it seems that we can focus our actions to live a simpler life, easily keeping an equilibrium in and around our being. Recognizing both our shadow and our light, letting each know that we accept and love them and that both are worthy of being gently reflected in our actions is a gift to oneself that will bring you great ease in just being.

Love, PEACE 


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