Ride that train if you can

"There is more to it than what you see" was not a call to believe in a higher power, it was a call to accept that what I assumed was the limitation of my power was just a blinder to the truth. That truth being, you are God. In the past I have recognized each of us as God in itself, but it is only recently that I realized how much energy lies behind this truth. You hold everything within you, you are all potential. 
You have unlimited power, but there is already a movement of energy flowing in and around you, because as the source you created everything and it is barreling down the tracks like a locomotive. As a human you stand like a penny on the track; no matter how much you will to stop the train, it is going to just flatten you. You could be a leader of a country and try to get billions of humans behind you to stop the train, but even as billions of humans you are just one penny and you will be squished. The billion person penny is more dense than the one person penny, but despite the seemingly larger number of individuals amassed in a billion people verse the one person, there is still only one penny worth of energy. This is because you are all one God and you created a flow of energy as the source sending the train down the track, and to really make a change you as the individual or a billion individuals must reach back to the source self and convince your non being into altering its original movement. It will take a longer time to flatten the billion density penny, but it will be put back in line with the original flow of energy. 
As God you hold all power, but as all power you must recognize yourself as the beginning of the movement, the train rolling down the track, the track and the penny being squished. Recognize how your power is distributed, see that at each level you had the will and energy to effect that level and your experiences but from step one you had put in various limitations and loopholes. Your power as a human is at a level that has the energy dispersed across many forms in many worlds, while each still links directly back to you as the source of all the power. 
If you try to drive by your own human will without considering the greater flow of energy that you created at the beginning, then you can cause the bump of a penny on a train track and your action will be played out until it falls back in line with your original will and the penny is squished. But if you follow the action of the prophets, sages, and enlightened humans across time, then you will see how aligning your energy of will with the energy moving around the earth can bring you joy and comfort in existence. Because your penny does not have to be on the track waiting to be squished, it can be on the train rolling down the track. It takes a bit more concentration at times, but if you recognize your power as the energy stretching out of the source into and around you, and you just walk in line with that flow, there will be fewer barriers and more growth available to you. It will become easier to know if someone else is working from their own small will alone or if they too are trying to ride the train to move in all power, and you can choose whether or not to move with their energy.
When we choose to see that we are Brahman who has poured itself out to be the experiential plane, we start to see how our own will can align with that power. We will be better equipped with the energy to sense when others are not aligned with the movement we created as Allah, the source and power of all being. You will begin to know who to walk with and who may need to learn from your example as you walk with the greater will. The power to understand that there is more to it than what you see will set your compass to point to the actions that grow all creation in experiences that can be used as expressions of love for just being. 



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